I'm overwhelmed
after 13 months of test after test...3 sleep studies and total fustration
I got THE CALL from lois today. She submitted my ins to connecicare
this morning and it was approved yipppeee!!!!!
I also got a date of september 24....ohhhmy god thats next week..I am beyond happy.
thank you for all the support when I was so fustrated it meant a lot
thank you angel
Honestly- God Bless Connecticare for their quick approvals. Mine was less than 48 hours. Now, if only more insurance cos could be as quick as Connecticare....
Kathy K- wherever you are- no swearing! Your insurance WILL approve SOONER OR LATER!!!! Connecticare is just VERY quick. And remember what a long journey Angela has has...she was bound to stumble on some good luck sooner or later. Angela- honey -you were DUE!
Congrats to you,finally!!!
Lisa C