new to group
Hi my name is Terie, my surgery date is Sept 30th. I am very nervous about the surgery but I know I have to have it done. My health isnt good. I am always tired and my body always hurts. I have a young son and cant do alot of things with him. I want to be able to do things with him and enjoy life again like I remebered it could be.
Any comments would be welcome.
Thanks for listening.
As Chryssie said, you have come to the right place. We have all had the to do the horrible waiting game. I can tell you from personal experience, it is worth every moment. I felt exhausted and like I couldn't step one more step before my surgery, and now I have a ton of energy.
Keep the faith, hang in, and your time will get here and be well worth the wait.
In the meantime, lean on us post ops for any supports, questions, or advice.
Good luck.
hi Terie
I know exactly how you feel. i felt the same way always tired and had some sort of ache or pain all the time. sept 30 is right around the corner and you will be on your way to a healthier and happier life. i hope everything goes smoothly and you are complication free. feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns or just post here everyone is great at helping out with just about anything you can think of. i am in bridgeport too but i didnt have dr tran but i do know that tara had him (she posts here) and she loves him. she said he was terrific.
take care and good luck
Cheryl K
17 mos post op /-140 lbs

Welcome to the CT Boards. You will find this to be a release for you. Whether you need some quick advice, or you need to vent - we are family here!
I had GREAT success with Dr. Tran. I love him to pieces! Are you going to the meeting tonight? I might be there, but it's hard for me because I work 13 hours a day, and that's my sleep time (5:30pm-10:30pm), but I will try real hard to be there!
If you need anything, or have any questions, feel free to email me at any time!

Hi Terie,
Thanks for joining this board, as everyone has said, it is a great place with caring people and I have learned so much here.
These next couple of weeks will fly by and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster, but just think of the end result. You will be happier, healthier and enjoy life in a way you can't even imagine!
One of my reasons for wanting this surgery was also so that I could play with my daughter and do things with her too. I was missing out on so much. I am already enjoying many things with her that I couldn't do before. I have no more aches and pains, I feel so much healthier and energetic.
You are on your way to a better life!
You now have an official pep squad cheering for you! You are going to feel SO MUCH BETTER! I have so much energy now, my house sparkles, my yard is all weeded, mowed and sparkles! I can walk an hour and not be exhausted.
Prior to my surgery I was permanently exhausted, couldn't walk from the car to the house without getting winded and had no energy/interest in anything!
The time will fly by, you'll see.
Keep us posted!