Holy frustrated!!!
Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. I took an extra long weekend and it still wasn't enough!!
Anyway, a little frustrated over here. I had my final consultation with my surgeon on 8/13. He told me if I hadn't heard from his office in two weeks to call. (There were two test results that hadn't reached the file yet, that were probably on his desk and then it would be sent for ins. approval) So two weeks go by and I call (on Thurs 8/26) and of course have to leave a message. No call back, so I call them back on Mon (8/30) and again, had to leave a message. Still no call back, I called last Thursday (9/2) and was kinda stern with the receptionist and kinda demanded a phone call back. Now, it is Tuesday and STILL NO CALL. I have no problem continuing to call back however, anyone have any experience in this kind of phone call?!?!? Are there any specific words I should use?
I know they are busy, but am I really asking to much? The thing is I know it isn't the doctor too, its his nurse. I have to say that I hope when my doctor switches hospitals, he doesn't take his nurse!!
Thanks for letting me babble/vent!!
No, you are not asking too much. You sought them out for this service and they should give you the best possible service they can.
I would just say, "I know you're busy, but I've been on pins and needles waiting to hear from you. Please call me as soon as possible so I know where I stand in the process"
I can only imagine how frustrating this is for you and hope you get some answers soon. This is the worst part, just sitting around and waiting.
Keep us updated.

Hi Phyllis,
You are not only one who feel so frustrated!!! I am kinda of out of patience to wait and wait and wait for surgery date since I know they have everything they asked for but is waiting for Dr Aranow to summit paperworks for my insurnace company. Once Lois gets this then she will email to let me know to make arrange for surgery date. It droves me crazy when people ask me when is my surgery date!?!
WE will hang in there and try to be patience little more and hopeful this end of this week we get a good new
Kathy K

Who is your surgeon. I had the same experience and finally I emailed the SURGEON directly. Explained all I wanted was information on the continuing process. I explained that I completely understand the staff is so busy BUt when someone calls, it is hard enough to take the first steps in this whole process and that our questions may be asked 100 times a day but for us it is the first time.
Got an email from the surgeon DIRECTLY apologizing that that he will make sure it is addressed and the office nurse called me the following morning with answers.....
Thanks for the info.
I have Dr. Giles at UCONN. It is his staff more than him. That is actually one of the reasons why I left the first doctor in the beginning of my journey. I had gone through all this stuff, still hadn't met the doctor yet and was given the run around by his staff and they weren't all that pleasant, although I am sure some people would disagree. I understand that people are busy but customer service isn't what it used to be anymore and I guess that has become one of my pet peeves.
I spoke to the Office Manager yesterday and she was really nice and assured me that I wasn't being unreasonable and all my questions would be answered. I am again awaiting for a call back.