just updating
Hey all,
Just updating, i havent really had the time to do much over the past couple of weeks, so instead of posting on each post, i figured id just say hi and update. ....
Called Dr. Bell's office yesterday ( i figured bugging them once a week wont be so bad) they said they will call me within the next few weeks with a date for dr. bell's meeting ( she also told me there was no need to keep calling and checking...rrrggghhh)..im hoping this means octobers meeting, because i know september is full, but it could mean november also...which is discouraging...but i know when the time is right, it will happen....blah blah..... i am just getting so anxious..especially watching everyone else get theirs..but i know everyone had a horrible wait also....so its not like im alone....
i am going to dr bell's support group on Tuesday night which i know will make me feel better because it usually does, and i missed the last one...
other than that......the teenager has started school..hubby is home and out of work on workers comp (man he BETTER be okay by my surgery because i do NOT want him there with me for two weeks he will drive me nuts) and im still working two jobs and selling AVON...so im pretty busy..
hope everyone's weekend goes well..and you all enjoy the long weekend !!!

Iknow what you mean about about a husband that works nights..mine has been doing that for 14 years! We hate it...I am never in this house alone..and there is always someone sleeping in out bed it seems..so our room is like a dark hole!It has helped in the fact that he is up and home when the kids get home from school...but that is about the only plus.
My husband worked nights years ago before we had a child. Now that they put him back on nights I feel like a single parent. (I don't know how they do it!!) I have a 4.5 year old. Now they have him working TONS of overtime. He has worked the last 14 days with out a day off. I know I should be glad he is working but I miss him and I miss the HELP!!!
Hey Deanna,
The best way I handled the waiting was to pretend like I didn't know Dr. Bell's office was gonna call
So one day when I was least expecting it, they called!!! Just FYI...Dr. Bell and his nurse Lynda are on vacation....so I'm sure things are not moving along this week...so that could be why you're not getting a call.
Hang in babe!!! It WILL happen...we're all living proof. See ya Tues.!