Off topic
Hi Everyone,
I know this is an off topic, but does anyone know if it is a CT law for kindergarteners to be picked up at their house by the bus?
My son just started school and his bus stop is at the end of our road. I had to change my schedule at work because of this. I have to take him to the stop because my mom isn't able at the moment.
I was under the impression he would be picked up at the house, but then I found out the stop was at the corner. Someone at work told me it was a law that they had to be picked up at the house, but the bus doesn't even come up my road.
Anyone have a clue?
Christine - The SAME EXACT THING happened to me last year. EXACTLY. My daughter started kindergarten and the bus went to the end of the road - we had to walk down every day. I was MAD. So, I called the school and they told me it wasn't a law, but they try to do the best that they can. I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't really have a choice.
And THIS YEAR, there is a new family living a few houses down with a kindergartener and they stop right in front of their house, and we have to walk to their's. I WAS PIIIIIIISED. (sorry about the term, but I had to say it). My parents have already called to complain - no one is calling them back.
Email me if you need to vent!! I'm all EARS!
Try calling the bus company in your town.
I had to do that when they wanted my 2nd grader to walk a mile to school by herself. She has some special needs (learning /emotional/social) and they said she was fine. She would climb into the trunk of anyone's car if they asked! The bus company got tired of hearing from me, so they complied. How far is the walk? Will your child be out of your sight if they walked by themselves? If your child has to go out of your sight line, I would call every day until they made the change. That's dangerous! Sorry you had to change your schedule..bring that up too.
I would call the bus company. I know in my area it is mandatory for the bus to stop in front of all kindergarten childrens houses even if they are next door to each other. It might be a town ordinance but the bus company told me they had to do it. The other thing is if your street has high traffic or fast traffic they will have to pick them up in front of the house because it is a safety concern.