It may be a Rumor But...
Hi all. Something has been bothering me all day and I have to ask... Has anyone heard of a patient of Dr. Aranow's dieing in the past few days? What I heard is that it was a female who had surgery in April and she kept vomiting and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. I'm just curious. Let's not forget I got this from a friend of a friend who was talking to his friends mom who had GBS and she knew the person. You know how things get distorted when repeated but I'm just wondering what could have happened. I have an appointment in 8 hours with Dr. A so I may just have to come out and ask. We'll see if I grow a pair overnight to do Hope all is well.
-41 lbs.
I hate rumor but let me know what Dr Aranow says about this rumor about this patient, Dorislee Carpenter ( I looked at surgery date from Dr Aranow's group site but not sure it is right person s name. some people do not put their surgery date on this site. Maybe that person have other problem than having GBS . Don t forget to keep posted about it today after you saw him.
Kathy K
I have not heard this rumor, but WLS is a very complicated surgery with high risks. It is possible that she developed problems not even related to the WLS. I would ask Dr. A about it. Just say you heard a rumor and are concerned. I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you what he can about the situation.
Let us know,

I hope it is just a rumor. Dr. Aranow told me that he never had any deaths when I first went to see him, but he also told me he wasn't ****y enough to say it would happen. With the amt of surgeries he does and on such high risk patients, he admitted that it might be a possibility. I have to tell you..his honesty is what I liked about him. Anyway...we all know hat a high risk surgery this is...and his track record is still great and he is a wonderful, caring doctor.
He's usually very frank and open about this kind of stuff, so be sure to ask if you want to know.
When I was about to have surgery he lost a patient (his first and only that I'm aware of) due to numerous surgical complications (mostly beyond his control) He talked about it openly and frankly when it happened. He was devistated, but still shared what had happened with anyone who wanted to talk about it.
Rumors do have a way of spreading and growing. I'd be surprised if he's lost someone and we hadn't heard about it from a reliable source, Dr A himself or at a group meeting.
A big PS- he has never lost a patient directly due to a WLS problem. The PT he lost had complications that were not related to the RNY proceedure itself, but related to their already existing grave medical conditions. Honestly...I can't remember all the cir****tances. Suffice it to say, I was satisfied at the time that it was a type thing that I didn't need to worry about and that wasn't a result of gastric bypass itself.
Any 'oldies' like me remember when this happened? Perhaps they can shed more light...
He had another patient that passed away about a month and half before I had my surgery as well. To make matter's worse for me, she had the same clotting disorder that I have and that is actually what caused her to pass on! Talk about making me nervous! It really made me stick to the plan about wearing the stockings and taking my injections though! The lady that passed didn't know she had the disorder and ended up with an embolism. So sad.
The day I saw you in Dr. A's office there was a woman sitting to the left of the door who was very upset. She had very thin hair and she was shaking her legs the whole time she was there. She was called into the office just before me, but when I came out she was back in the waiting area again just sitting and waiting. Could this have possibly been her. This person was obviously very upset. Hope not!!