Well, let's see, where do I start this.
My wife took Mark,(remember, my 5 yr old who broke his wrist) to the ortho yesterday to get the splint taken off and his wrist reset (ouch) and put in a hard cast. Last night my wife and I had a parent orientation at the high school with my oldest. My wife had my mother in law come over to watch the little ones while we are at the meeting. My father, who is leaving today for Texas to visit my sister who just adopted a baby,
,(her first), came over to say goodbye to the kids. He thought he'd be nice and give them baths
and PJ's and put them down
. He leaves before we get home. So we get home and I am usually the one who puts the little ones down (my job), go upstairs to make sure they are okay and tucked in. I find my daughter in bed with Mark and they are not sleeping. They tell me that Papa said it was okay for her to sleep with him. After much commotion and tears
, I put my daughter in her bed in her room and tuck her in, all fine and dandy now, she is happy. Go to finish tucking Mark in and I see that his arm is wrapped in a towel. I ask him why, and he proceeds to tell me that Papa gave him a bath and his cast got wet. I unwrap the towel to find his cast is sopping wet inside. The outside is still hard but damp. We need this now like a hole in the head. The kid starts Kindergarten today. Don't want to say how much my wife is flippin, so I won't and guess who is taking him today to get the old one taken off and a new one put on. You guessed right. Me. Got a 2:00 appt.
Sorry for the long story.

Oh Luis,
I am sorry you came home to such chaos! It was a nice thought for your Dad to do that...he meant well..but still doesn't take the agrivation away. Someday you will look back and laugh at this..but now I know you have your hands full...
Sending positive vibes for a relaxing weekend at the Garcia home!

How nice of your Dad to want to help out?
Just think: you will look back on this and laugh one day. I am sorry you have to get the cast redone. At least Mark will always have a (funny) Papa memory for his first day of Kindergarten.
Congrats on your sister's adoption! My 2 girls are adopted from China and they are my 2 greatest loves.
Hang in there!