Holiday Weekend Roll Call

on 9/1/04 9:09 pm - Milford, CT
Hello Everyone, I know it is a bit early but I thought that since a holiday weekend is coming up it might be good to start this before everyone is off and running...... Granted not all of us are going to be going to Jamaica but its still a nice long weekend !!!!! There are soooo many new people who have joined us here that its difficult to keep up with everyone. This is great though. I want to wish all you who are having surgery in Sept the best of luck. May your slides to the losing side be as uneventful and pain free as possible. For those of you waiting for appts and dates, I wish you patience and even though it may not seem that way now the time really will pass. To my fellow post ops I wish you strength and the fortitude to keep up the great work you are doing!!!!! Things here will hopefully be quiet this weekend. I have lots I want to do around the condo and just have not had alot of time due to my busy social schedule....... I have been bad this week, no gym I actually went the other night and the pool was closed due to over clorination or some such nonsense. I was not happy and didn't have my sneakers or work out clothes with me so I hit all the furniture stores on the post road instead........ different kind of exercise and I didn't buy anything. The gym is definitely on my list a few times this weekend (and tonight of course). Things here have been slow in terms of weight loss. I have been bouncing back and forth between the same 4 pounds for a few weeks now. I am not stressing over it though as I know this is normal. I think the hair loss I have been having has slowed down some but its still there. I have tried to be better about taking the coromega and that seems to be helping. My sugars are still an issue but nothing that is high enough to be really concerned over, just baffled :sigh: I sent in a pic to the OH Photo Volunteers the other day of me from my nieces wedding. Don't know how long that will take to be posted but it should show some difference from the present ones...... Have a great weekend everyone and see alot of you on the 11th!!!!! Linda
Kathy K.
on 9/1/04 9:37 pm - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Good Morning Linda and Everybody, Thanks god tomorrow it is Frdiay and I will have a long weekend. First of all, It was my son 's first time at Middle school yesterday. He came home and said he is overwheeled and is not used to go different class and different teachers. I told my son Kyle He will get used after two weeks from now. Happy Birthday to Lauren M. Tomorrow Enjoy your day! We will go to Woodstock fair this sunday with my Mom and my Aunts. We will working on our addition on Friday and Saturday. On Monday We will close our above pool because the kids are busy with their activies and the water is getting colder. (we do not have water heater for that pool) You know I am still waiting and waiting for surgery date. I think being waiting is the hardest of all from preparing to have this surgery. Drive carefully and come back to our CT Message Baord alive Kathy K
on 9/1/04 9:47 pm - NORTH HAVEN, CT
RNY on 07/02/04 with
Linda, Can't wait to see your new picture...the one you have there looks great already. I hate the picture of me...can't wait to change it. It will be my reward when I lose 50lbs. Right now I am holding at 37...but not energy level has increased and I am wearing scrubs ath have not fit in many years. Its Back to School Sunday in our very social neighborhood. I was away last weekend, so we postponed it. We have breakfast on my front lawn and everyone sits around relaxing reading the newpaper and chatting. Then around 2pm we all leave for a football game in town where two neighbor boys are playing and 2 girls are cheering (my daughter included). Then we will come back to the neighborhood and roll one of our firepits to the driveway and light a fire and order take out for dinner. Its an unually close neighborhood...8 to 10 families participating. Our kids are pretty lucky to grow up like this. Today, I am son started school today so they are both our of the house. My husband works nights and will be sleeping most of the day, so I should be able to whip through chores in no time! I have been walking every night...pretty proud of myself. We alternate between 1.5 and 2.5 miles. I am going to look into joining Curves or something where I can start some aerobic exercise. Maybe the weight will start coming off quicker that way. Happy Labor Day Weekend CT. Your support means more than you know! Thanks!!! Joanie
Ann M.
on 9/1/04 10:11 pm - Norwich, CT
Saturday we're off to Waterford for a PIG ROAST! An old work pal of mine does this roast annually and I have never been able to attend. I'll get to see lots of my fellow retirees there-but probably won't eat any pig. They'll have hot dogs and hamburgers-so I'll probably have some of that. It doesn't take much to fill me most of my time will be spent socializing. Sunday we're working in the yard-have to trim bushes, pull up weeds and clean out the garden pond. We might sneak up to the Woodstock Fair Sunday evening-Herman's Hermits are going to be playing there-we saw them in concert last week at Mohegan Sun-AWESOME! Kathy, if we go, I'll keep a lookout for you-but it is soooooo crowded at that fair! Monday we're going to relax and do something with the dogs. Maybe go for a hike in the woods and take them swimming. They love that and so do we. Today I have to take one of my cats to the vets to have her put to sleep. She has a tumor in her ear that cannot be removed and it's spreading to her esophagus. The poor thing is having trouble breathing and can't eat. It's so hard to lose them, but you have to do the right thing and put them out of their misery. She doesn't seem to be in pain now, but you can't tell. So, today I get to do the sad deed. Ann
Pam T.
on 9/1/04 11:52 pm - Groton, CT
Ann, I am so sorry about your cat! I have four and one coming (daughter's boyfriend's cat has a litter), and can relate to the absence of a furry friend. I am not doing much this weekend, thought of the Woodstock Fair, but there are money issues. Maybe the flea market in RI on Sunday. Other than that, maybe a quiet cookout on Monday, some cleaning while its cool. I developed a flat yesterday and need to get that fixed today and a doc appt. Who knows what tomorrow will bring! Everyone enjoy their long weekends! Pam
on 9/2/04 12:54 am - NORTH HAVEN, CT
RNY on 07/02/04 with
So sorry about your cat...We really become attached to our animals. They give so much and expect so little. Putting them out of pain is what we owe them. We have an older dog who keeps going and going...every time she has a bad bout of something and we think its the end..she bounces back. I know the day is coming when that won't happen anymore. We are in the process of looking for a kitten for my daughter...anyone know of any litters? I am not a cat person..but she has been wanting this forever and she has been so patient and so well behaved lately..I want to do this for her Joanie
Kathy B.
on 9/2/04 5:12 am - East Windsor, CT
I know someone who needs to find a home for 2 cats (her dad is going into assisted living). Both are around 3 years old. One is black & white (male), the other is gray and white (female). Both have been fixed. Email me privately if you are interested. Kathy Bilodeau
Carolyn S.
on 9/1/04 10:25 pm - Taftville, CT
RNY on 12/01/03 with
Hi Linda: I feel so out of touch with everyone. I just wasn't on the computer that much over the summer. But we are back in school now so you should see me more regularly. I can relate to the 4 pound bouncing back and forth of the weight. I have been about the same for about a month now. I feel really good so I try not to dwell on it. I have been very bad with my exercise routine so I know what I need to do. I have also been picking which I have not done at all up till now. That scares me. I do not want to return to negative behaviors. I think part of it is being out of the loop in terms of support. I need to get myself back on the message board regularly and voice the concerns. Sept. 1 was my 9 month anniversary and I am down 124 pounds. I am now buying things in "the smaller section" of Dress Barn and Fashion Bug. Starting school has been stressful, not my job necessarily but getting my boys to everything they need to do. They are both in high school this year both were playing football but my oldest just had to quit do to multiple concussions. "His brain is more important than a football season, but try telling him that. He is devistated. It's especially hard because he had made 1st string Varisty and lettering this year was a dream for him. It doesn't help that little brother is going to be the star of the freshman team. I'm concerned about him. He is struggling with reading and concentration due to the concussion and he is depressed. He wears his heart on his shirt sleeve like his mom and it breaks my heart. We have had lots of heart to hearts, I just hope I can keep his spirits up. Sorry for going on a bit but all of this is affecting me as well and of course it always goes back to food and making bad choices. It feels good to be back on the board with all of you. Carolyn
on 9/1/04 11:39 pm - Danbury, CT
Hi Everyone, I hope everyone has a safe and fun Labor Day weekend. I am sad that summer is coming to a close, but my body is happy. I have been running around like crazy all summer, parties, vacations, ball games, shopping, shopping, shopping... What a life !! This weekend we are going to the Yankee game on Saturday, and I am so happy to report we have no other plans all weekend! I would like to swim in the pool, hang out in the yard, cookout maybe, and just RELAX! I had a mini meltdown the other day while shopping at WalMart - I am just feeling run down. I would like to stay home and cocoon for a while. I am doing well with my weight loss, I think. This past week the scale really hasn't moved though. I am wondering if I am getting in enough protein and water, so I am making an effort to increase both. I bought an elliptical the other day, and Oh My God, that thing is tough! My thighs and calves are killing me. I was really bored with the treadmill, and thought this would be perfect. I'm sure once I get used to it I won't be in so much pain. I only lasted 6 minutes yesterday! Not enough for a workout...need to increase my exercise too. Now that things will be slowing down in my life, I will have more time to spend on getting healthy and fit. I have not been paying enough attention to that. Just wanted to say "I'm sorry" to Ann. I have 3 cats and one is starting to show her age (14 yrs. old). I dread the day I need to put her to sleep. She has been through so much with me. I hope you get through this ok, and know you are doing the right thing so she/he is at peace. Have a good weekend all. Anne
on 9/2/04 1:28 am - Fairfield, CT
Hi Gang! Thank you, Linda, for keeping this up. It's a nice way to catch up. My weekend starts out great, because my best friend is coming up from Virginia for a job interview. I'll be sooooooooo happy if she & her family make the decision to move back into the area. She's a great support and her oldest child is the love of my life! I unfortunately don't know the youngest as well as I'd like to because he was born in Virginia. She's going to stay at our house & we're organizing a happy hour for her Friday night. Saturday is basically brunch with Pat & my b-friend, then continuing the process of unpacking our house & making it live-in-able. Pat's visit gave us the incentive to start moving stuff around last night so the place won't look like a COMPLETE pit of despair. It's coming together nicely now. Sunday, I'm go to a ... I kid you not ... billy goat roast. I think I'm going to avoid this particular piece of meat, but John was invited through work, so we're going to stop in. Sunday night, blissfully, there are no plans whatsoever. Then Monday my friend Karen is having a bbq. It'll be nice to hang out & relax and see some old friends. Soooo, for a change, I'm not having to drive anywhere, move anything, etc. I'm grateful for that. Perhaps that will help me get back into my routine of working out & eating better. I've been off course for weeks, but I think understandably so with all the changes and stresses that go with new home/living arrangement and new job. I HOPE I'll start to lose again. One good thing -- I tried on and was able to fit into my first SIZE 10 pants!!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Of course, they're Dana Buchman and she runs generously, but I'll take it!! Ann, so sorry about your cat. I'm a cat lover, and I know how difficult it is to have to say goodbye to the kitty you love. Hang in there!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy and healthy weekend!! XO Kathy F.
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