Wednesday--what are we eating?
I skipped doing this yesterday, because repsonse was dwindling...but I am going to try again today...
3/4 cup of Post CarbWell cereal--11 grams of 6 grams from the half cup of milk
snack-low carb milk 12 oz--18 gms protein
Chicken salad-2 oz..and some salad...Light dressing-
Snack-1/8 cup of pnuts
Boneless chicken...low fat cheese...salsa
snack-Q-protein bar
Hi Joanie,
Thanks for posting this.
Today I am having:
Breakfast: 1/2 of an Atkins protein bar and 1 string cheese
Snack: 1 protein shake
Lunch: 1/2 cup salad with cheese, some croutons and Pignolia nuts.
Dinner: homemade pizza ( I only eat the toppings of 1 slice).
Snack: Ben & Jerry's SUGAR FREE NY Super Fudge Chunk (2 ounces)
Have a great day CT!
Breakfast Special K Low Carb w/half a banana
Lunch two ounces provolone sharp cheese
two slices proscuitto ham
Dinner don't know yet...that's a PROBLEM!
It's always best to have your meals planned...that way you're not grabbing just anything because you are hungry!
Have to get to work on dinner plans!
Hi Kathy,
It was my favorite pre-op too. Glad I found it! I have been buying it at Stop and Shop. Ben & Jerry's has a line of "Carb Karma" with different flavors, but this one is Sugar Free - and tastes awesome!
It i**** or miss at Stop & Shop. But look anywhere that sells Ben & Jerry's. By the way, the Carb Karma line has some good flavors too, and are sweetened with Splenda.
3/4 cup of Post CarbWell cereal
1/3 cup of skim milk
1 cup lowfat cottage cheese with pineapple & cherries
Snack - string cheese
Lunch - 1/2 cup chicken salad
15 Sesame Crackers
1 TBL Hummus
Snack - 1/4 cup almonds
Dinner - Homemade soup from leftovers from a zucchini lasagna I made (without noodles). It will have zucchini, tomatoes, ground turkey, ricotta, mixed veggies and beans.
Snack - either S/F ice cream or bag of 98% fat free popcorn - depending on how hungry I am later.
See - I told you all I eat alot.
OK Linda - your turn!
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau

Kathy, That zucchini lasagna sounds awsome..could you give me the exact directions for putting it together and about how much of each you use? Also..I tried that carb well cereal the honey was not as palatable as I expected it to you like it? The protein content is really good...and with milk really makes a good protein meal. I may try it again..before casting it off my list of foods!
Hi Joanie,
My brother gave me this absolutely huge zucchini when we were in Maine. I was going to stuff it - using ground turkey and brown rice, but had a brain storm and decided to make a lasagna out of it (more protein from the cheese and less carbs because no rice).
It was very tasty, but too juicy, so if I do it again I'll remove all the pulp and seeds from the zucchini first. But
, since it was so juicy, I decided to make the leftovers into a soup tonight, I added beans, mixed veggies, and some turkey meatballs. Its simmering right now, and it tastes good.
The lasagna was like this:
I sliced the zucchini into thin rounds
1 pound ground turkey browned
1 32-oz container of part-skim ricotta
1 2-cup package of part-skim mozzerella
1 jar of meat sauce
chopped onions
I sauted the turkey with garlic and chopped onions.
1 layer zucchini
1 layer of ricotta
1 layer of 1/2 the turkey
1 layer of sauce
top with zucchini, sauce and the mozzerella.
I baked it at 350 for 1 1/2 hours.
Oh yes, I had the cinnamon flavored cereal -- I really liked it.
Kathy Bilodeau