My Oldest made the Football Team
Hi to All
Just a little bit of good news from the Garcia household. After a week of tryouts and conditioning, my son found out yesterday that he made Fairfield Prep High School Freshman Football Team. , , . He was so nervous last week it was not even funny. He came home yesterday so excited, , out of 64 players that tried out, they only kept 42. We are so proud and happy for him. What a way to start your first year in high school. YEEESSSSS!!!
Congrats to your son!! Thats huge!
I live in "Hard-Hittin' New Britain" so football is pretty popular around here.
Not only will your son learn discipline, but it's a great way to exercise (some of the practice sessions can be intense!) and be social. Not to mention if they slack on their grades football goes bye-bye! It's a wonderful leverage tool!
Go Pats!
Congratulations to your son...I think its so important to have kids in sports...keeps them involved in school and in hopefully they won't have their parents weight problems! It also keeps them "connected" to school. My 16 yr old..decided not to play soccer this lieu of a job and driving school. He said it takes so much of his time as he is getting settled into school...and he wants to concentrate more on acedemics! Not sure if he was telling me what I wanted to hear..but is sure sounded good. I am a bit disappointed because he was quite a good player and has been playing since he was 4! I have encouraged him to join a he stays involved in school, which I think is important.
Anyway, I have my 11 yr old to keep me busy..with her soccer/2 dance classes and cheerleading!
Thanks Joanie
Being involved in sports is a plus, also keeps them on their toes knowing they will be off if they slack off. Its scary when they tell you the don't they are giving up sports for academics, makes you wonder. Keep me posted on this one, so I know what to expect when one of them tell me that. Good luck with your soccer/dance and cheerleading, looks like your calander is full too.
Hi Deb
Thanks so much, yes it is huge. New Britain can't be as "Hard-Hittin" as Fairfield. I guess I have to start promoting them. LOL. He has played organized sports since he was 5 so he is used to the discipline, more won't hurt him either and the practices sure are intense. Socially, I am sure, now will be more active. Don't girls usually go for guys on the football team? LOL. He definitely knows about his grades, his butt will be off that team so fast if he slacks off.
Thanks again. Cowboys rule.