Incision infection
Hello all,
I am two weeks post op tomorrow for lap band. I thought my wounds were healing nicely until I got out of the shower tonight. My middle incision (which is about two inches long) had a little pin ***** sized hole and was seeping pus. Not much came out. Maybe enough for two or three droplets. I have no fever, no incision pain, no redness, no swelling, not hot to the touch. The pus was a yelloish brown and the last that came out was tinged with blood (sorry to those with a weak stomach). I have my two week follow up with Dr. A tomorrow. Should I just bring this up him then? Call the office tonight? Call in the morning? Should I put a band aid over the incision? I am so hoping that everything is okay. Today was the first day that I really was able to move pretty normally.
Thanks for any and all information
Hi Eileen
Lucky for you, you have an appointment tomorrow. Definitely mention to the Dr. If you have bacitracin ointment, or some sort of anti bacterial ointment, you should put some on it. I dont think there is anything the dr. can do tonight. Keep it covered with a bandaid. Keep us posted and good luck.
I had this problem also. Mine drained for 2 solid weeks. The surgeon told me just to watch for soreness or redness of the site, they will put you on an antibiotic if that happens. Mine didn't get infected, but it drained like crazy! It was disgusting, but they also said normal. It drained too much to use bandaids, and gauze pads with surgical tape was irritating my skin when I took it off. I ended up using gauze pads and wrapping an ace bandage around my stomach to hold the gauze in place.
This worked for me. Thankfully that was the only "complication" I had.
Annoying as hell, but harmless. Definitely tell your doctor though.
Hope it stops soon.