Need to vent...
Hi All: I am really having a crappy day. It is my 34th birthday today. It all started Friday at work. Not 1 of my friends wished me a happy birthday. (I am hoping/guessing they were waiting until monday??) My DH and son were great to me. Now it is 8:08 PM and my parents STILL have not called me. This will be the 2nd time in my life that my mom has forgotten my birthday. Ok so there are bigger problems in the universe I do know that. I am just hurt and depressed. Do I mean this little to everyone??? I try so hard to be nice to everyone. ALSO...I have not lost a pound in the last week. I am having a pitty party for 1. Sorry I just needed to get that out.
Poor Chryssie!!!!
Well we will all wish you a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! , You should be this will be the best year . I know it is hard when others don't pay attention to what is important to us but just remember that you have a beautiful family and a brand new life ahead. Step away from that scale!!!! You are not, I repeat not going to lose every single week so don't get stressed over that. This is very normal.
Have a Great Week!!
My 1st reply to you vanished into cyber space. Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! I know this year will be great. I am totally addicted to the scale. I weigh every am after I pee. I have an appt. this friday with the nutritionalist to go over my food journal and answer my questions. At this rate I will never meet Dr.Bell's goal by 9/24!!! I will be devistated.
Thanks again for the wishes you are a great angel!!!
I know how you feel. I had the same thing happen to me last year. It does hurt I know. Even though there are bigger problems in the world, we still are human and we still hurt. My mom invited me for dinner so I was expecting cake and such too...Imagine my surprise when neither my mom or dad remembered.
Hi Chryssie,
I'm so sorry you had a crappy day
I'm sending my wishes for a happy and healthy new year
Always remember you matter a great deal to us here on the board and I'm sure to a lot of others. Unfortunately sometimes people get so wrapped up in their own lives that they forget others.
I'm sending happy thoughts and happy birthday wishes your way. Keep the faith, this too shall pass.
Hugs &
Mary Lou