For info: cost of my surgery
I've had a lot of people, via Internet and in person, ask me how much my surgery cost.
Since my primary and secondary insurances picked up the bills, I literally never saw one, But being curious, I called the hospital and asked them to send me one.
Hospital stay (4 days), procedure, OR doodads, meds, etc.: 17,040.70
Surgeon's fee: 15,200.00
Total for the OR, hardware, surgeon, and hospital stay: 32,240.70
Remind me to never complain about health insurance rates again: all I had to pay for was $9.70 for a pain med when I checked out!
It was kind of cool to see what things cost.
The actual Lap-Band pack: 6469.00
Morphine: 6.00 (sounded like a FABULOUS bargain to me!)
OR fee: 3190.00
Endo-tracheal tube (disposable): 5.00
Endo shears (reusable, I think): 504.50
Suture pack: (10) @ 12.50 each
Semi-private room (although it only had ONE bed in it!): 1273.00
I was also billed for "(1) seal, 26.00". Um . . . I never saw a seal and if I did I think that the marine biologists in the area would have been alerted. What are they doing letting wild sea animals into a hospital???

Hey Bette:
It would be interesting to compare the cost between the Lap Band and Gastric Bypass. I will WAIT until my insurance company PAYS before asking Norwalk for a copy of the bill though!
Now that I think of it...I DO remember hearing some funny noises coming from under the bed at night! And upon checking there were some puddles of water...hmmm...heehee.
See you at a support group meeting soon.