Does Hair Loss ALWAYS Occur?
Hi everyone,I've heard alot at meetings and also on the boards about hair loss following the surgery. I know it's only temporary,but I was wondering how soon after surgery do most people experience it? Also,does it happen to everyone? I've heard about taking Biotin to help stop the loss,but I was wondering how many mg's should I take daily,and how soon after surgery? Any info or experiences would be helpful-my hair is my security blanket,as I'm sure it is/was for most of us with a plump face

I have heard that it starts around 3 months out. I imagine there are people out there that do not loose any hair. Some people say the Biotin works some don't. I think it has more to do with how your body reacts to the anesthia, surgery, weighloss, stress etc... I know my hair seems a lot dryer now. I had a bob cut that I decided to go short with just incase I started to loose hair it would not be as obvious. I go to the hairdresser this friday so I want to see what she has to say about any changes to my hair. I take my vitamins everyday and hope for the best.
Hi...I had hair loss from about 4 to 7 months out. I thought for sure that I would be bald, but I did not end up THAT bad. It is a combination of the trauma of surgery, the fact that your body is no longer taking in the amount of nutrients it was before, stress, etc. The hair loss remedy shampoos and the like are useful but only as long as you use them. If you stop using them, they obviously will stop working. In other words, their usefulness is temporary...only as long as you are using the product. And they can get VERY expensive.
I will say this, I am almost 3 years out and recently haven't been behaving myself with my eating and noticed a lot more hair in my brush and in the shower drain. As soon as I upped the protein in my diet and lowered the carbs, the hair loss has calmed down significantly.
Take care and good luck.
Have a Sparkling Day!!
I am just about 4 months out and have not had this problem yet. (Thank God and knock on wood) I am obsessed with my vitamins and protein intake so that I don't. I've heard both as well about the biotin. I just do what the Dr. told me and so far so good.

Hi Katie,
Well up until a few days ago I would have said, no hair loss doesn't always occur. I am 9 months out and suddenly losing some hair. I have always gotten in a ton of protein and taken my vitamins etc. Not sure why all of a sudden I would start losing it now. The only thing different is that I was taking core-omega and have gotten lax about it in the past few weeks. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but will try and get back on track with it. I don't know if the biotin helps or not because everyone I know that uses it says it takes weeks to notice any difference and I wonder if that is just the natural process. It isn't a biggy though. Just a small inconvience for a short time (it grows back and no one goes bald from it) totally outweighed by the benefits!!

Thanks everyone for the input! "Bald is beautiful",LOL...yeah,I'd be settle for being bald as a Q-ball if I can wear a bathing suit without having a t-shirt on over it and still feeling exposed.When I first heard about the hairloss issue,I was horrified. But then I was like,"Honey,get a grip! Would you rather be thin or stay heavy and painfully shy with a full head of hair?" I guess I'll be breaking out the baby oil to shine up my skinny bald head in a couple of months