Popped staple or leakage?
Hi there,I know I just posted,but this question has been bugging me lately...how will I know in the future if I've popped a staple,or if there's staple line leakage? I've heard this is very serious,so I'm afraid it might happen to me and I'd be oblivious to it. Is there serious pain or any other indicators I should be aware of? Also,I've been wondering how the staples they use don't rust in your stomach? This must sound really dumb to most of you,but I'm wondering if they use a certain type of material,because wouldn't normal surgical staples rust in that type of environment over years? Lol,I feel like an idiot asking this....

My doctor told me that I would KNOW if I had a popped staple or a leak. According to him, you would run a fever and have a lot of discomfort at the site. My doc did a leak test in the OR and again the next day. I had to swallow some barium (bleah!), and watched it go through my new stomach pouch and into the intestinal system on the X-ray machine. That part was cool, the new stomach is SOOO tiny at first. You can pop a staple by not following MD orders, like eating something your pouch isn't ready for (for example, solid food when you should still be on liquids). I don't know about the staples themselves, good question, but I'll ask when I go for my follow-up. Maybe they're the kind that dissolve????
My surgeon said I would know if something was wrong. I would run a fever as well as have pain and possibly vomiting. The staples are surgical staples made to be on the inside of the body. They are made not to rust or be compromised. They are usually titanium. Just be in tune with your body and do not ignore what it is trying to tell you and you will be ok.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm starting to calm down a little now,LOL
Wow,I'm hoping I don't have to do that barium swallow,I had to do one of those previously,and I just wanted to retch,I could barely get the stuff down-yuck!
Tasted even worse than one of my Medifast shakes(if that's humanly possible)!