Really worried pre-op :(
Hi everyone,my name's Katie and I'm new to this board,but figured I should start posting now because I'll be on here quite a bit in the future,I think
My surgery date is set for 9/13 with Dr. Aranow,and for the first time since I began this process,I'm starting to freak out. I guess because it's starting to feel "real",although at times(like right now) it doesn't seem like it's going to be happening. I've been extremely emotional lately,and I was wondering if any of the pre-ops are also going through this,or if the post-ops did? I've been feeling really worried and negative about the surgery,which is bothering me so much because I was so gung-ho about it until I started discussing the surgery date with the dr's office
I'm not feeling enthused the way I used to,but I know I am going through with this! I just wanted to feel confident and optimistic the day I went in for surgery,and at this rate,I think I might start crying when they wheel me to the operating room. Am I crazy?

Hi Katie,
You are not alone. Your post looks just like mine did about 2 weeks before my surgery. Take a deep breath and relax. Take time out now, sit back and remember why you chose to do this in the first place. The next few weeks will be full of emotions, excitement and fear. Both are very normal. The surgery date will be here before you know it, and then it will be over with and your new life can begin. I'm very newly post-op, but it really wasn't too bad, the pain was nothing like I thought it would be (my C-sect hurt much more), and then suddenly the pounds start dropping. Hang in there!
Your feellings are all natural. I got more worried about surgery the closer it got. Having a surgery date makes it more real. Once it is real it becomes scary. I was told a calm would come over me prior to surgery and I have to say that the day of surgery I was calmer than I thought I would be. Just relax have a good cry if that will make you feel better (it did me) and make peace with whatever you choose to do. In your heart you know what to do.
Hi Katie
These are natural reactions and I am sure we all had them. If we didn't, we would not be human. Making sure all your ducks are lined up is a sure way of easing your emotions before surgery. That is the best you can do. Go into surgery with a stress free mind. It may be hard to do, but start with your family, keep them at ease and they should follow your footsteps. If you put up a good front to them, they will see that you are at ease and should be okay with this. Good luck. These are natural feelings, don't keep them bottled. You can vent here to us if they don't help.
God Bless.