What Are we Eating Thursday??
Good Morning--- I am just finishing packing, everyone here is still sleeping!
I am going to start out my day with some real food for a change and take my protein drink on the road with me. I am down another pound today so its 36 lbs for me! What a great way to start vacation!
B-scrambled eggs
L-salad with tuna
S-protein shake
D- in cape cod..so hopefully some seafood
I will try to get online while I am away. Just to see what everyone is up to and to keep myself grounded. Thanks to everyone for your support. I still have a long road to go, but I feel more energetic and healthy than I have in years. I just cannot imagine what having another 80 lbs off will make me feel like.
Hi Joanie
Have fun in the Cape. Wish I could go with you, I will be going in Sept, can't wait. I will keep the tread going for you if you don't get to post while you are away.
B-Carnation Instant breakfast w/skim milk
S will be protein bar
Lunch will be chicken casear salad
S- will be either peanuts or sunflower seeds
D- will be whatever the Mrs. cooks, don't know yet.
I'm new here and my surg is 10-6. I wanted to thank you for starting a thread like this because it's very helpful seeing what post ops eat in the real world. Ya know? It's one of the reasons I joined and stopped lurking!
So keep up the good work! It's very helpful to this terrified lady-in-waiting!