Does anyone know if you can do this?
Does anyone know if it's possible to schedule the dietician and psych appts before meeting with Dr. Aranow? I know he requires that you meet with his referrals, but I was wondering if anyone knew if you could schedule those ahead of time instead of waiting until after you met with him. Just thought this might be a way to save some considerable time waiting...
Theoretically, you aren't supposed to. After your first consult with Dr. Aranow, he will give you a checklist of specialists that he wants you to see. Even after having your appointment with Dr. A, you aren't supposed to call the dietician or barium swallow people and you are supposed to let them call you. That is a hard pill to swallow because it says that it can take up to two weeks for them to call you to make an appt. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try though

I had my appt. with Dr. Aranow yesterday, and they made an appt. for me to meet with the dietician for 9/9. Not a bad wait at all. I need an endoscopy, and I do have to wait for them to call me for that (2-3 weeks). Which is fine. I still have to do another psych. appt (he didn't accept the one I had done previously) and lose 10 pounds.
Good luck!!