Thanks to the Ligas Family
I attended the support group last night at Middlesex and I would just like to give my appreciation to the guest speakers:The Ligas family for sharing their journey with me and everyone there. It was very informative and more eye opening for me. I especially liked the way, the youngest daughter(sorry forgot her name) shared with us the truth when it comes to have a fill with the needles. I myself am not looking to get lap-band but I know that with being honest she helped a lot of people. Thank you guys.
That was Melissa. Yup. if not much else, we are honest!
It is unusual to find a family where every family member has had WLS and are as vocal as we are about the file changes needed and the experiences which we have delt with. I hope our experiences, which all vary so greatly, help anyone to find their trip even a little easier.
(token male)