Back from vacation
Hey everyone.. good to see everyone's doing well. I just got back from my vacation yesterday. Disney was great (my first time). I had a lot of fun AND I fit on all the rides there, w/o any problems. I would have been bummed if I hadn't.
The seat belt fit on the plane!! and I didn't take up anyone elses space.
The only downside was when I went to Universal, I couldn't ride 2 of the funnest rides there.
They have these side bars and my butt is too big.. if they weren't there, I'd be able to ride, even though it's a small seat. Oh well.. maybe next year. It just made me not like the park all that much anyhow.
One of the MOST irritating things this whole trip was the fact that my shorts were TOO BIG!! It really is irritating having them fall down and it's just so uncomfortable in 103 degree weather. On the flipside.. yay! shorts are falling off.
I had to of lost a good 20 lbs in the past week (haven't checked yet..staying away from the evil scale) only b/c we did 6 days of 8 hours straight walking and walking. It's the most exercise I've had in my life! On the plus side, I did really well walking.. at a brisk pace. I couldn't have done that 3 months ago. My stomach would have me hunched over, just from the weight of it.
Unfortunately, things went awry due to the hurricane.. it put our trip all out of whack. It took us 3 days and 8 flights later to get to Florida. Go figure.. I pick a natural disaster to vacation in. But.. once we got there everything was worth it and the weather was hot, but beautiful.
I went to a party last night and everyone was calling me "Skinny Minnie" Yeah.. right.. but it was still kind of cool b/c people were noticing. Guess my brain has to catch up with that now, b/c I still see the same person.
I ate like I was on vacation too. I ate what I could eat.. b/c there's not much of a choice, that's inexpensive when you go to these parks. I probably would have gained 20 lbs if I hadn't been moving so much. Now, it's home time, on to better living again.
Well, that's enough yapping for now! Take care!

Hey Michelle! Welcome back. You've been missed.
It sounds like you got your exercise in alright! What a fun time you must have had. I've never been to Disney. We are waiting for Aiden to get a little older. Maybe when he is 7 (in 2 years).
Okay, so there were 2 rides you couldn't go on - but others you could and the shorts were falling off. You're doing great!!!
Oh and by the way - when you are on vacation, you deserve to splurge a tad!

Hi Michelle,
Glad to see you back. I am happy you had such a great time at Disney.
I just booked a vacation there in April '05. My little girl will be 6 then, and she just loves the princesses. I have been there three times, twice as a teenager, and once about 11 years ago. My husband has never been there, so I am excited for all of us to be going! It's nice to hear about fitting in the rides. I still haven't tried any rides at carnivals, etc. because I am afraid I still won't fit. But, I figure by April I will have no problem. Isn't it great what this surgery has done for us already?
Welcome back!
Hi Michelle
I love Disney. Looking to go back in Feb. You must have had a blast. Glad to hear you got to go on the rides. That was a major setback the last time I was there. Now being 170lbs less, I can't wait till Feb, the kids better watch out. Isn't great to have clothes falling off of you, just make sure you don't leave the house without a belt. Its okay to let yourself slip while away from home, just get back on track and like you said better living.
Welcome back.