BARBA-waiting time??????????
Anyone know how long from your last appointment with Judy (when all consults have been completed) to the time you get a call from BArba's office???
And once you get that call, how long for the Dr. appointment and then ballpark how long for surgery?
I am just trying to figure if I will be going in after the end of the year or not. I have to plan out the rest of my vacation time.
Also, does anyone know if he does an open lap band??
And...........Has anyone had lap band approved by Empire Blue/Cross Blue/Shield???
Sorry, I am just full of questions today.
Joanne- Lap implies that the procedure is laparoscopic, not open. Dr. Barba does all 3 - open RNY, LapRNY and Lap Band. I see Judy on Friday and from what I understand it takes a couple months to get in to see Dr. Barba - worth it as far as I'm concerned because he's awesome. I have BC/BS BlueCare and I'm told that they initially deny lap-band but usually approve on appeal as long as there are comorbitities. My guess is that you can plan on 2005 by the time you get a surgery date, that's my guess for me as well................Hope this helps......Jen T
Hey there,
As far as I am concerned this waiting time is shameful. Yes I know all about it takes time etc.... But it has been 6 weeks since my final appt with Melissa and not call yet. The office has been very rude. All they haev to say is you will get a callback... I am a VERY patient person. I appreciate the formalities of having to wait BUT I work with the public all the time and I can't imagaine ever being rude to anyone EVER and yes I work in a high pressure enviroment. Once you get a call it will be months before the appt with the doctor and then months till the surgery. Yes it is completely worth waiting for and yes he seems to be a great doctor. Again the but, for those of us (all of us) who have worked so hard, made the decision and followed all the 'rules'. Hurry up and wait!!!!
Hi again Joanne,
I went to the April 12th information session. Got all my appts and follow up appts done. Had the last 2 hour info session with Melissa in July. Was told at that time that someone would call me. I waited 2 weeks. No call. I called the office and repeating myself they were very short with my questions. As I said before my feeling is they may be answering the same questions all day but for those of us calling it is the first time asking. I was told someone would get back to me. That was 4 weeks ago. Very disheartening. Yes it will get done and time will hopefully fly by, but it is hard. We make the choice to go forward with this and we do everything that is required. We all know how hard waiting can become and this is JUST to get an appt. I also realize that so many people are interested in this surgery now. It is just hard.. we are only human!!!
Yes I will for sure let you know when I ever hear anything.
Joanne and Carrie,
I went to the support group meeting last week and Carolyn said something about Dr. Barba going into private practice and that appointments were being held temporarily because of some paperwork formality or something. It sounds crazy, but maybe that's what you two are experiencing and if we're lucky we will all get calls and see him really soon (okay so I am still an optimist) I see Judy on Friday for my 2nd appt so I am hoping that is all it is. But the waiting is hard. All my consults have been in for several months already and it feels like you are getting nowhere waiting around for them.
Joanne, I hope I didn't sound rude in my first response, that was furthest from my intention. I had no malice in mind, but I know people confuse the three approaches of surgery and thought this would be helpful. Good luck and best wishes to you both.
Hi Joanne
What may be holding you up is if Dr. Barba's office hasn't received the results from all of your consults. For me, it took forever for the cardiologist to get the reports to them, but once they had it, they called me to schedule the appointment. If I remember correctly, the appointment with Dr. Barba was about 2 months after the last meeting with Judy, and I had my surgery scheduled for about a month and a half later. I had lap rny on May 12th. I'm sorry the waiting is getting to you. It used to drive me nuts too! But Dr. Barba is worth the wait. I had a friend have open rny with him today, and I'd recommend him to anyone.
I'm not sure if he does open lap band, and I can't help with the insurance questions, but if you have any other questions I'd be happy to help.
Take care!