Home and it's my birthday!!!
Well I am home! Surgery went ok but there were a few little problems. I didn't come out of anestheshia very well and ended up having to use the Mask over my face which they use use for sleep apnea. That was a horrible feeling and I was scared. I remember asking everyone if I was really going to be ok. They reassured me as best they could but it was a tough time. I got out of bed that evening and they could'nt belive how well I did with standing and walking but when I went back to bed they put that damn mask back on me. The next morning was incredible! Every time I moved I became very nauseous and had dry heaves. The dry heaves ended up causing me incredible pain and I was just miserable the whole day and night and I was very scared that something was really wrong. My nurses were unbelievably supportive and really got me throgh that day. It was decided that the epidural was what was causing me so much nausea. I refused to have it dosed the next morning and the switched me from Morphine to Diludid which took care of my nausea and pain. The Dr decided that since I had such a setback that he was going to keep me in the hospital until Friday. I agreed with him I couldn't see myself going home on Thursday for any reason. Then Thursday came and I felt like a new woman!!! The pain was bearable,I started walking on my own and when he came in he said I looked so good that It was up to me whether I wanted to stay an extra day or go home. I chose to go home and 2 hours later was sitting in my own home and feeling much better about myself and everything. I still have my drain in. I am feeling better every day and am starting to walk 1/4 mile every two hous or so. Thank you all of you for your support and prayers.

Hi Sandy
So sorry your experience was not smooth. I hope and pray that will be the only stumble you come across. Other than that HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What a neat present to give yourself, NEW LIFE. You will soon see how for just a couple of days of no comfort, you will look and feel great.
Good luck and keep us posted.
I am sorry to hear of the minor set-backs in the hospital and am amazed that you woke up Thursday morning like a new person. That's incredible. Every single day gets better. I remember being told that and thinking it was the biggest horse crap I've ever heard, but it is really true.
Walking 1/4 of a mile already? Wowzahs, rock on Super Woman!!!!
Way to go Sandy - glad you are back and well.
Lots of love,