What are we Eating Friday?
I am so totally unprepared for today. I need desparately to go grocery shopping. I dont even have makings for my morning protein drink, except the powder! I do have some Isopure..but I am not liking that stuff. I will take some deli turkey and low fat cheese...and salad and create a breakfast and lunch on that. I will let you know what I come up with. I plan to go grocery shopping right after work. I do have some boneless chicken marinating in a low fat marinade...for dinner. So..what are the rest of up more prepared post ops eating?

Can you make spanich cheddar quiche? you do not have to eat crust but inside in it. They have good protein. What about frozen bay scallops, shrimp and turkey chilli? They are all good to eat.... I do like buy fresh fish than frozen fish... I am sure post-op people will share their grocery list with you. Good luck
Kathy K

I'm NOT more prepared...so should I be anserwing this? I will anyway. I'm TOTALLY stressed, since I have houseguests coming (4 people) forthe weekend. My house is a mess, AND I have no food. I'm expecting 2 kids...and I NEVER have kid type food in the house, nevermind that fact that I don't have any REGULAR food. ARRRRRRG.
I went to the gast station to get breakfast...
English muffin with egg and bacon (threw away half of the english muffin)
1/2 Decafe coffee (strict Dr's order to cut back my caffiene for this fertility treatment stuff)
Since I've got NO food (I did mention that, right?) I'm going to have a protein bar and some fruit that's in the work refrigerator. I amy actually have a protein shake (Which I'll have to CHOKE down) that I keep in the office for protein emergencies.
I'm thinking deli meat. (Am I the only person that ever went grocery shopping as a post op and just ate deli meat while shopping as dinner? ) That's the only way I can think of to get in some protein and still get done what I need to. NO time to cook, that's for sure.
After dinner...
When I'm done with all the housework, I'll need a DRINK. But, I won't be able to have one since I'm stirctly NO alcohol (another fertitlty thing) for a while. Grrrrr. So, I guess I'll have to indulge in a little treat from the store...maybe a scoop on NSA Icecream. (does that consitiute emotional eating? Do I care today?)
Anyway, that's my menu.
Hope you all have a great day.
Anyone who wants to volunteer for vacuum or dusting or mopping duty, stop by my house at 5:30 pm.

Seems we're all unprepared today! I had Carnation Instant Breakfast-no sugar added this morning...am sipping a cup of decaff now.
For snack (soon) I'll have a couple of oz of low-fat cottage cheese-goes down real easy.
For lunch-a treat: about 3 oz of langostinos sauteed in a wee bit of butter and with garlic and celery powder and pepper.
For afternoon snack-probably a protein bar-I have to go to Waterford to help set up for the family reunion tomorrow.
For dinner-we're going out somewhere in Norwich where I can find something to eat-probably a local pizza place where they also have fish....that's probably what I'll have. I'll try to sneak in some veggies too...but I fill up fast!
Good Morning. I like these posts, because it gives me ideas for meals; except for you unprepared people.
B - 1 container Carb Countdown blueberry yogurt
S - Carnation SF Instant Breakfast, French Vanilla Flavor (Thanks Carmen)
with 8 ozs. Fat Free Carb Countdown Milk.
L - 1/2 cup lettuce with 1 ounce Monterey Jack Cheese and Lite
Ranch dressing
S - 1 string cheese
D - pork roast (1 or 2 ounces), green beans, and maybe an ounce of
mashed potatoes if I have room left.
S - Silohuette (SP?) Skinny Carb Bar - Chocolate Peanut Butter - mmmm
I also need a volunteer to come clean my house! I am having a party on Sunday for both our families and neighbors, around 30 people. Even though the party is outside, have to clean for those who like to "browse" inside our house.
Have a good one everyone.

Hi to All
Today started with a 25g protein drink and already had to bottles of water. Just finished having a handfull of peanuts and for lunch, I am thinking about having a chicken ceasars salad. Snack will be a Zone perfect protein bar, only have Fudge Graham left, so that will be my choice. Dinner will be something off the menu from The Southport Brewerly, being that my parents are taking my four kids for the weekend, Wifee and I can go out.
Have a great weekend everyone, cause I sure will.