Back from Vacation ... Food Is My Enemy!!
Hi Gang!!
I got back from a short vacation on Long Beach Island, NJ. I wish I could say I was happy to be back!! We stayed at my b-friend's parents' beach house ... the back yard is the ocean. Nothing works as a better sedative to me than the sound of the ocean crashing on the sand. Spent lots of money too ... got great deals on clothes in Mediums and size 12s. I can't seem to get out of the 12s though!
It seems that ever since I reached 163, below my heretofore unreachable weight of 165, I haven't been able to stop eating. I ate bigger portions while on vacation, I have been eating sweets like a bandit for about a month now, and I feel out of control. I have to go back to a nutritionist & a therapist, because I think I'm messing with myself a bit, afraid to go past the last comfort zone. Ugh!!
Anybody feel that anxiety & take a step or two back when they got to an important milestone? Inquiring minds ...
Hope everyone has had a great week.
Kathy F.