WLS Book Suggestion
Can anyone suggest a book I can get on WLS. One that tells you EVERYTHING from what to expect before, during and after the surgery. Gives you all the ins and outs of what you can eat after and how to do it. Whats required and when. etc... basically one that covers all of the details. I would like to call the bookstore and see if they have it and pick it up and read it this weekend.
I have lent all my WLS books out but I found most of the on line at Barnes & Noble. Just do a search for WLS. Also Barbara Thompson wrote a very good book Finding the thin person within (I think this is the complete title). There are a lot of good ones out there. Most books on WLS need to be ordered. I went to Barnes & Noble and the special ordered a few of the books for me and I was able to pick them up with in a week. Hope this helps.
Good suggestions above! Just remember- that is just a picture of another person's journey. Yours may be very different. You MUST follow the plan that your surgeon sets forth for you. It's nice to have ideas of what others have gone through though.
Happy reading! And congrats to you for wanting to be very prepared for your journey.
Lisa C
Hi Lauren:
Another good book is:
"Exodus from Obesity: The guide to long-term success after weight loss surgery"
by Paula Peck, RN
She had gastric bypass herself as well.
I bought the book pre-op and read it.
It has helped me understand the process both pre and post-op.
She also has a website and is available via email and does try to respond to as many as she can in a timely manner.
Her website is: http://www.paulapeck.com/
Her e-mail is: [email protected].
You can contact her at:
Paula Peck
c/o BP Publishing
PO Box 7567
Woodbridge, VA 22195-7567
As well, you can order the book by calling or emailing:
Tel: 703-580-6246
E-Mail: [email protected]
You also can purchase the book through www.Amazon.com
or Bariatric Advantage.com
you will have to scroll down to find her book.
BTW, you will notice that there are other books on the Bariatric Advantage site for you to check out as well with reference to WLS books.
Also...the chewable calcium tabs (chocolate) that Bariatric Advantage sells are very yummy.
Hope this helps.