alternative to protein drinks?
After 3 months, I am getting tired of the protein drinks every day.
I don't like the flavored powders at all, gave away the samples I had bought to my nutritionist. I have only been able to tolerate Atkins shakes, didn't like Carb Solutions or Ensure. (fussy???)
Anyway, I was wondering if any of the protein powders are unflavored, that I could mix in with my morning yogurt? If so, which ones, and where would I get them? Do they change the flavor of your food? Any ideas would be great.
Hi Anne,
My dietican gave me some advices for unflavored power protein.
Beneprotein instant protein powder (by Novaritis) 1 scoop= 6 grams protein(tasteless powder)
order from your pharmacy or at graeber's pharmacy in meriden... call 1 800 606 2031 (mon thru fri) free delivery or mail is available
Hope that answers your question
Kathy K
Hey Anne,
I use Carnation Instant sugar free breakfast powder I think it has 8 grams of protein. I mix i with Organic fat free milk, 11 grams f protein and it tastes great! I could not have the drinks that come mixed, they were too chalky
Are you going to tonight's meeting? if you are I can bring you some packs to try.

I HIGHLY recommend using high protein yogurt and milk by Hood. HOOD "Carb Countdown" line of yogurts and chocolate milk have 12 grams of whey protein per serving and is low in calorie. Two yogurts is 24 grams of whey protein and only 160 calories. I usually get in two yogurts a day and at least 8 ounces of Hood Carb Countdown Chocolate Milk. That = 36 grams of protein and only 260 calories. (I personally do not care for the beneprotein flavorless protein.)
BSN brand has several "dessert" protein shakes, which come in excellent flavors. They offer 20 grams of protein and have 135 calories per serving.(They have Cinnaman Roll, Banana Nut Bread, and Coconut Chocolate Bar Flavored Shakes-you can buy it at Vitaman Shoppe or online at
Also Nitro-Tech, Pro-lab, and Isopure have good flavored protein shakes as well.
You may want to try Protein replacement bars. Met-Rx, Lee Lambrada Brand, Clif Bars Builder Bars, and EAS all have between 20-35 grams of protein per serving. You may have to split the servings into two.
Can you tell me how many ounces of liquid you mix to get the 20 gm protein in the BSN brand "dessert" shakes?
I am presently using the Real Meals and I get 30 gms protein in 6 oz liquid.
Just want to compare in order to determine if I want to add that to my list of goodies for protein. Mixing things up sometimes helps.

Anne: I don't have an alternative to the protein drink... but I drink one from HMR ( and I really like it, although I do have to take something for gas everytime I drink one. I drink chocolate only, but the other flavors are good too.
Maybe you could try something other than a shake? I get tired of them sometimes, too, (and some of them are sooooo gross) but worry about losing the protein. I went into Vitamin Shoppe a month or so ago and bought this cereal:
I'm NOT a big fan of hot cereal but I really loved this one (banana flavored) and it's got a nice amount of protein in it, as well as being low carb.