SLEEP STUDY RESULTS ARE IN. I have sleep Apnea. Does anyone have
Hi Carrie,
Did your doctor tells you how many times you stopped breathing and how long it lasted? It sounds like to me it is mild sleep apnea. On my Cpap machine, my number is 11. I am warning you it will be hard up to 2 weeks to get used to sleep with that nasal mask. I finally got used it now but i am no longer tired in the afternoon like I was before. Are you going to get Cpap machine?
Kathy K
My "sleeplessness score " calculated at 8 out of 24.
My Respitory Disturbance index was 10.
My average RDI for the entire night was 8.
I had 2 hypopneas during nonrem sleep, 2 obstructive apneas and 41 hypopneas during rem sleep.
I'm not sure what this fully means but I hope that answered your question. :smile:.
I'm going for another sleep study to titrate me on the cpap machine. I don't know when though.The sleep study MD wants me to undergo a "complete upper respitory tract assessment to evaluate for surgically correctable factors as well as for the use of an optimally fitted oral appliance." I've never heard of any of this but will be following up and will do whatever I need to do.

Hi Carrie,
It sounds like you have mild sleep apnea. I did not go to sleep study for Cpap machine. I went to see my doctor s office to try all kinds of masks and they ordered CPAP machine then I went to homecare office and they showed me how to use it and brought this machine to home. I guess your doctor is different from mine. It is important to know you have sleep apnea BEFORE surgery so they will take care of you good after surgery.
Kathy K