Hi Lisa,
at the last support group, someone who had her surgery before me said she had problems..and there were quite a few people who said they did too. So when it hit, I wasn't surprised. My paperwork from Dr. Bell's office said that it usually means that you're eating too much or too fast; however, I've had it since waking up yesterday, and haven't been able to eat much at all.
Hi JA,
Contrary to what we have all been led to believe in our past lives, sometimes not eating enough can make us feel queasy and naseauous (sp?). I would try to get something in your tummy especially if you are waking up feeling like that. Sounds more like an empty tummy instead of an upset one. Try a protein drink first thing in the morning if food is not floating your boat right now and then some yogurt or cheese, something that goes down easy. Let me know.

Early on many (if not most) patients experience nausea. This is typically due to your body being in ketosis-- the process by which the body burns its own fat. Ketones are resident in your saliva, and consequently, are constantly swallowed; they irritate the pouch (particuarly because there just isn't much food in there to absorb them)-- think of how you'd feel if you were constantly breathing in nail polish remover (which is acetone). The solution is to try to find a liquid that will help to wash the ketones through your pouch. For me, hot coffee and broth worked best; others have told me that the thinner protein shakes have worked, while others try making a concentrated Crystal-Lite. The thing to keep in mind is whether you have any dizziness with your nausea, as this could be a sign of being dehydrated (which, in any event, should prompt you to drink more fluid). The mistake that many people make is in not forcing themselves to drink more fluids when they are feeling nauseated-- this is, of course, critical to prevent dehydration.
During the peak of my weight loss (over 80 pound the first month and more than 70 pounds over months 2 and 3), I was constantly nauseated. Lousy feeling? Sure. But, knowing that it was racing me to my goal helped a lot.
Good luck.