Looking for a meeting in CT
Hi Lauren,
Well I would personally reccommend Dr. Robert Bell at Yale for the LAP RNY. It is what he specializes in and I just love that man! I can pretty much out line the steps for you if you are interested. His support group meets on the first Tues of every month from 6:00-7:30pm at Yale New Haven Hospital, York Street, New Haven in the Max Taffel Room. I do know that Dr. Bell who usually stops by for part of the meeting won't be at the Sept. meeting but we have a speaker and alot of discussion so please feel free to join us. The first step is to call his office 203-764-9060 and ask for a packet to be sent to you. That will outline all the steps you need to take (nutritional consult, psych consult etc.) and the paperwork that needs to be submitted. Once all your paper work is in the office you will be called with a date for a group educational session, then about two weeks after that you get a call with your surgery date. The whole process takes about 7-8 months at this point (that's my estimation). He encourages everyone to attend the support group meetings pre and post op. There are other doctors in CT who also do the Lap procedure but I don't know about them personally. Feel free to email me as I said.