A Mini Update
I was going to put all of this in a post on Chyssie's thread and then realized how selfish that would be of me. *cough* I know, I AM selfish .. but .. here's a mini update.
I was telling Chyssie I am not a fan of food. I hate to chew, I hate to eat. I actually feel nauseous if I chew for too long, I don't wanna swallow.
So this KICK @$$ post-op turned me on to "Real Meals". Excellent source of protein and doesn't taste bad, at all. So I tend to do two shakes a day and then just munch on cubes of chicken and cheese during the day.
I am down 48 pounds, almost "overweight". I just bought a bathingsuit today for my weekend get-away to Wildwood (wanna come?) and a new DIGITAL CAMERA! I already have a digital that is attached to my Sony Handycam (I really dig electronics and I like to spend money) but the quality of pics is really quite crappy (less than 1 megapixel). So I just went and bought a Canon Powershot S1 -- it's 3.2 MPs and really kicks some tail. Totally into it. You all will get sick of seeing my pics soon! But it's nice and small so I can bring it on radio appearances and in the shower and whatnot.
Da specs: http://web.canon.jp/Imaging/pss1is/firmware-e.html
I am still working insane hours. People are donating time in their day to me for extra sleep. How sweet, if only it was truly possible. But I get about 5-6 hours of sleep in the evening. I'm ready to roll.
I'm a maniac (maniac on the floor) at the gym. I go JUST ABOUT every weekday and spend 2 hours there. I run and walk on the treadmill for 2 miles, then this stepper thinger that kinda scares me for 20 minutes and then I use the machines to target body parts. I've got the "Mrs. World" vision quest right now. (Plus, a lotta hot guys at the gym at 5 am .. must impress .. must .. keep .. pushing).
That's it for now. Expect some pics of my weekend when I get back. I hope everyone has a great weekend! If ya wanna get away to Wildwood call Star 99.9 tonight! hahaha
Lots of good lovin,

How SWEET you are to post that!
. o O (adorable and refreshing - it's like a summer breeze)
Yes ma'am - I leave Star at about 4:50 and hit the gym. I am usually there for 5 in da morn. A Goddess? Hrmm, I tell myself that every day (self-motivation .. work the inner chi).
I'm dreaming that early too .. while I am focusing on the guys pumpin iron!
WAHOO DAWGIE! I mean, c'mon - ya think I LIKE to work myself to the point of feeling like I need hip replacement surgery? Ooo noo, my friend!
Thanks for the reply!

You kick butt girl!! I wish I had less interest in food!! LOL
I'm going down to the Jersey Shore this weekend too. I bought a bathing suit from (drum roll please ......) Victoria's Secret!! It's low-cut & really pretty and it's a 12 (with D cups, natch). I'm very excited to wear it!
Keep up the amazing work. You're going to be where you want in no time flat!
Kathy F.