Does this happen to you?
I find that everyone that knows that I've had this surgery seems to examin me every time they see me!
Does this happen to any of you?
You can't win. Before surgery, it was like being judged by how fat I was. Now it's by how much weight I'm losing. People think you have this surgery and wake up thin. Duh! It takes a little time. Yeah the surgery is LIKE magic but not actual magic!
(I crack myself up
Well, just had to vent a little!

Yes! This happens to me daily. When I am at work (the day job), almost every day people comment on how good I look. (Okay, I know I look good but c'mon
) But they ask, "So what's the magic number" or "How much now". Well, let's see, you nosey *bleep* - about the same as yesterday.
Yep - urkes my stuff too ....

Hi Christine,
Yup, happens all the time. That doesn't bother me so much as the people (usually men, no offense to all the guys out there) who now all of a sudden think they can approach me, start a conversation, make a comment on my looks.
Umm, excuse me, you didn't talk to me then...PLEASE do not talk to me now. I don't have time nor patience for BS like that.
Nice to see you on the CT Board! Hope you and your DH can make it on the 11th.
Absolutely happens all the time!!
People think that they're being helpful by "participating" in your journey, when what they're being is nosy!! People always ask how much I've lost so far, tell me how much the person they know who had the surgery a month before me has lost (usually more than me), and in the beginning there was a woman at the office who seemed to think that I would return to the office as a waif! These things do take time.
Now I'm at a job where no one knows I had the surgery (it's weird -- nobody thinks of me as a fat chick here!), so it's slowed down a lot. Just take everything with a grain of salt ... or tell them you'd prefer to keep it private!
Keep up the good work.
Kathy F.

I cannot stand when people get in my business about weight loss! So, when i decided to have the surgery, I shared it with a "select" few people that I work with..uh like 4 people! One found out cuz she was at the support group mtg. with a friend...and now since I've returned, they are all just jumpin' out of their skin and dying to know what kind of surgery I had! UGH! One came right out and asked if it was female related...I said nope. GEEEEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!! Do these people not have a clue? I don't plan on ever telling any of the other people I work with that I had the surgery. When they start noticing the weight loss and ask how, I'll say diet and exercise, and I won't be lying now will I?
And...when they ask how much...........drum roll pleeeeeeeeeeez....I'll say "that's personal, but obviously enough for you to have noticed, thank you." Yea, I'm defensive about this because in the past whenever I dieted, there was always some idiot that I worked with (or more than one in fact) tha****ched my every move! I caught someone today who I think suspects that I had the surgery give me the "once over" look...and I giggled to myself! Another lady said, "oh you're back, how do u feel?" I said great. She said, "good" and then kinda stared waiting for me to say where I was...and I smiled and said see ya later.
So that's my version of it all're not alone sister!