Hi all. I just spoke w/Julie's mom.
She's headed over to the hospital right now to be with Julie. Her sister stayed with her last night.
Unfortunately, she has an elevated temperature and her O2 levels have dropped. So, they're a bit concerned.
They're going to try and get her moving more (though she's been up and walking since yesterday) to see if that helps.
Well, her mom was in the car, so I didn't get to chat with her for too long...I told her that we are all here and to let us know if there was ANYTHING that we can do, including coming to sit with her, if it would help. I told her that we all love Julie and she has many friends here praying for her.
I think I'm going to try and visit her tonight in the hospital, if they'll let me.
I'll keep you updated with anything I can, as soon as I hear anything.
I'm sure this is just a minor setback and that Julie will be great, but a few extra prayers and wishes sent her way I'm sure will help too!!!
Thanks all.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the update on Julie. I will keep on praying for her. Give her my best if you get to see her. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago today, and my 02 levels dropped the night of my surgery, and my doc put me in the step down until til the next day at noon. So that part is not unusual. I didn't have a temp though. Getting up is very important, as you know. I know she'll be ok, cuz she's such a great person. Give her a hug for me, and I'll say an extra prayer for her too.
You're a great angel.
Hi Lisa,
I too thank you for your updates on Julie. We are all worried about her but I just know in my heart that she will be fine. I also had low O2 stats the entire time I was in the hospital. They never let me take the oxygen off until I walked out the door. I think it has something to do with the type of sleep apnea that I have. I am willing to bet it is the same with Julie. Its great that she is up and walking around, best thing for her. Hope you will let us know if you get to see her in person. Thanks for being a great