Struggling with Food ...
I pretty much know what the answer to my problem is, but I needed to share it with people who know the drill. After bragging last week about my 90 lb. loss & descent into the "moderately overweight" category, I found myself falling into a spiral of eating. Granted, I had PMS/period throughout this time, and am in mid-move into my new home with my boyfriend, but Friday/Saturday/Sunday I felt like I couldn't get enough food into my body fast enough ... we all remember that feeling, right? And I was also doing most of the "bad" eating while I was alone. Waited for John to go to bed so I could finish off the bag of "40% Reduced Fat" potato chips, ate practically a whole box of no sugar added popsicles in 2 days, just munched continuously.
I'm assuming this is just stress, and I'm going to try to constructively combat it by doing food diaries again, but can anyone else relate to this sort of jump back to the habits of the past, and if so, any advice on how you got yourself out of it? I don't want to sabotage myself any further!
Thanks for e-listening.
Kathy F.
Previiously posted:
You are no different then any of us out here. It is impossible to avoid the foods that got all into trouble, and you should be able to occasionally eat the things you enjoyed in the past. You should though eat these foods in moderation. Your new stomach should actually force you to eat them in moderation. To do this set up a time once a week or once every two weeks where you can enjoy some of the foods you enjoyed in the past. Another way to prevent yourself for eating these foods and snacks to is to eat six-seven small meals a day. Calculate your daily caloric intake needs and split them into those meals for the day. By eating six times a day and staying within your caloric needs for your goals you not only speed your metabolism you are less likely to eat the things you want to avoid. But do not deprive yourself of things you enjoy. Set aside a meal a week or every two where you can in moderation eat something you crave.
Another suggestion is if you have not done so already, initiate an excercise program. Join a gym and dedicate three hours or so a week to work out. Working out will speed your metabolism as well as allow you to occasionally eat some of those high calorie foods without having weight gain....
Six meals a day...eating every two-three hours. It takes planning, and an effort when you are at work, but it helps avoid overeating and binging.
Write down everything you put into your mouth, and keep a journal. Then simply split up your meals.
Meal 1 8am: 2 Eggs (140 cals 14 grams protein)
Whole Wheat Toast (40 cal per slice)
Meal 2 10am: Hood Low Carb Yogurt (80 cal, 12 grams protein)
1 Cup Blueberries (100 cal)
Meal 3 12pm: 4 ounces of chicken or turkey (150 Cal, 20 gr protein)
1/2 Yam (75 Cal)
Meal 4 2pm: 1 serving Fiber one Cereal (110 cal)
1 Cup of Milk (90 cal, 8 grams protein)
Hood Low Carb Yogurt (80 cal, 12 grams protein)
2 Viactiv Calcium Supplements
Meal 5 5pm: 1 Clif "Builders" protein bar (20 grams soy protein, 270 cal)
Meal 6 7pm: 4-6 ounces of chicken, steak, etc. (150-200 Cal, 20-30 grams protein)
1 cup of vegetable
1/2 Yam or other carb. (75 cals)
Meal 7: Protein Pudding 1/2 Cup (150-200 cal..20-25gr pro per serving)
(Mix instant sugar free Jello using water instead of Milk, mix in two scoops, 40grams or protein powder, chill in fridge for 30-40 minutes)
TOTAL CAL: approx 1500.
Wow, lots of food!!
I do eat some of the things you mentioned with regularity; I think I may try the 6 meal a day theory so that that urge to binge isn't yelling quite so loud in my ear.
I do exercise 4-5 days a week, so I'm in good shape there (no pun intended!). I think it's been a stressful few weeks, and the further out we are the more we're able to fit in our little pouches, making mini-binges do-able.
Thanks for your good advice.
Kathy F.