Anyone keep a nutrional Journal?
Anyone keep a nutritional Journal?
Since my WLS I keep a detailed journal of my daily caloric intake (down to the calories, protein, carb and fat) as well as workouts...It helps me pinpoint where I have major success, so I can copy and continue the success. It also helps me see my progress at the gym..Anybody, else keep a journal?
Hi Jon,
Yup - I go to just about every day and plug in my food and my exercise. It really helps to stay on target and to see what I'm doing that needs correcting.
Some days I don't fill it in - like when I eat from a pot-luck (a little of this and a little of that) although I make good choices, it is very difficult to fill in a journal then, but otherwise, I'm on 3 times or more each day.
Its a great tool, and I'd also recommend it to anyone on this journey.
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
Lap RNY 12/3/03
-98 lbs.

After reading this thread, I got off my duff, purchased and downloaded the FitDay program. Am I glad I did! I had to do my measurements and found out that I have already lost 4 inches around my waist; an inch at my hips; and an inch and a half on each bicep!
It's very easy to use and gives you graphs that show your food intake by category-fat, protein, carbs, etc; how much vitamins you are getting from your food; provides you with a weight goal chart that shows you how much you need to lose to reach your goal weight in a certain time...etc! Lots of features! And a great bargain at $20!