Just Wondering.....
I could do Newington as well since it is the next town over
I used to sell Mary Kay and love their moisturizer and I will need a new bottle soon!
As for dates, my surgery is 13 days away so I don't know if we could get something together before that and just about anything after that is good with me!
Looks like we have a facial/meet fellow wlsers party in the making
I think it would be great fun.
How about we shoot for the end of August or the beginning of September so all interested parties will be able to attend.
If anyone is not able to make the Newington party, I am happy to do more than one party. Mary Kay offers some great products for the skin and I'd love to share them with all of you.
If you are planning on attending the Newington Party...(provided our host is still offering) Could you please email me your Name, Phone, and skin type so I can figure out what products I need to bring. All the basic skin care is good for all types of skin, but if there is a problem area that you would like to focus on, I can bring solutions for that as well.
We will do a skin care facial and apply some color looks as well. Yay, just like a slumber party...It will be great. I thank all of you who are willing to let me get in some practice.