PreOp support mtg at Middlesex Hosp last night was great. Wish they had
name tags so people could recognize each other better from It was an informative meeting. Lots of nice people there. I love's so helpful...the people on it are wonderful. I plan on going to next weeks meeting.It's an 1 1/2 hour drive for me one way...but it's worth it.

Hi Carolyn. I bet you slept good last nite, huh? Post sleep study and a very long drive. I couldn't agree with you more. Name tags are just the thing thats needed. So many people, so little time. It was good seeing you and Kathy and everyone else at last nites meeting. I look forward to seeing you all next week too. Linnie
Hey Tammy!!!
I can't believe I didn't see you either.
I got a lot of info. I wrote down a lot of what was said and what was on the screen too. Boy was that room packed with people. I got there early but sat in the last row on the left side of the room..I had a seat on the end near the aisle.. It was a little confusing but then I got it. Very informative though. I was looking for you too!!! Should we bring our own name tags? I'm going to go next Mon. night. Are you? Do they provide name tags?
I actually slept pretty well last night
! 3 hours of driving after working all day and a sleep study the night before...that explains it ...huh!
Hope to see you there Mon. night 7-8pm!!