The Big Day Has Arrived...
Thank you all for all the support over the last few months. Finding this website made the decision I made to have this surgery seem that much more real, probable and potentially successful. I'm scheduled to be at the hospital at 6AM for an early AM surgery tomorrow. I'm excited, a little nervous, but strangely calm. I know that what I'm doing is the best thing I can do for myself right now, a gift, really. This morning I said "bye" to my son before he went off on vacation (he doesn't know this is happening-too little to understand, so that was emotional). I spent the evening with the rest of my family, enjoyed some cold lobster, before starting the "bowel prep", which has gone on now for about 2 hours. I'm going to pack, then take a bath and shave (who knows when the next time I'll get to do that!) and head off to bed. I look forward to seeing you all on the other side-thanks again,
Good Luck Ann!
May your slide to the losing side be as uneventful and pain free as possible. I know you are a bit nervous and very excited all at the same time. Please have someone let us know how you are doing and keep us posted on your progress. Take care and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

I am sure you are asleep by now, but maybe you will check the postings before you head off to the hospital.
Saying good-bye to a small child when they don't know what is going on is THE most painful thing to do. My 4 year old came with us to see me off in the hospital. When he saw the IV, he kissed my hand and asked me if I was in pain. My answer: "not yet!".
I am sending some good karma your way for your surgery, Anne. I know it will be a success!