Matt4Ela How are you?
I'm hanging in there .....Im just having a hard time getting my pulmonary Dr's office on the ball and faxing my sleep study from months ago. They are so unorganized and unhelpful. Dr Barba's office says I can meet with Jason as soon as this is in. This part is loads of fun...I do have to admit that all those negative posts did make me nervous about Barba...but I am going ahead as planned for now.
Thanks it means a lot that you are still concerned
Matt - If you are using the pulmonologist at St. Francis that Barba recommends, I feel for you. I called over and over & they wouldn't even return my calls. However, I ended up explaining the situation to Sara in Dr. Barba's office and they got the necessary info within 3 days. So, you may want to go that route to get it moving quicker.
It is such a big life decision, I just wanted to let you know - even though there were some negative posts going on - all of the people here are super supportive - some are more opinionated then others but ultimately - there is a lot of caring and support that goes on here in our tiny little state - and to think us New Englanders are not known as the most friendly people in the country!
Sorry the pulmnary doctor doesn't have a good support staff - that happens a lot in the medical field.....hope they get their act together - but I have to tell you sometimes the squeeky wheel gets the grease, so keep on top of them!!
Sorry the pulmnary doctor doesn't have a good support staff - that happens a lot in the medical field.....hope they get their act together - but I have to tell you sometimes the squeeky wheel gets the grease, so keep on top of them!!
HI Matt!
Good to hear things are moving along, although a bit slow... Not sure you you are using for pulmonary but I used the one Barba recommended and man his office was SLOW!!!!!! Took me about 3mos to get everything done and paperwork to Barba... he's good but wicked slow!
If you have any questions or anything feel free to post or send a message!
Keep us posted on everything!