I am home...
Glad to see you made it home and are getting some rest
Sorry to tell you, no sugar-free Jell-o until after your 2-week checkup. No yogurt either
Just those nice liquids
Dr. Bell made a point to tell me liquids ONLY but that does NOT include Jell-o. However, you can have decaf tea or decaf coffee with skim milk in it and you can have sugar-free popsicles, not sure if knowing that helps or not.
Don't worry, you'll get through this part just fine.
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau

Hi Chryssie and all....
Dr. Bell was very specific to me about the Jell-o, he said, liquids only, and that does not mean Jell-o. I hadn't even asked about Jell-o, and I was surprised, since I've read that lots of people eat Jell-o right away.
. But, I did what he said.
I think I forgot about the milk in the tea, etc., because I don't use it in tea, and didn't feel like decaf coffee at first (probably because it couldn't have cream in it). Sorry bout that.
Hope you feel great real soon!
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau