I am home...
I am home. The surgery went well. Day 1 I was in LaLa land most of the time. I went right to the 6th floor. And yes I has a roomie. Boy that was interesting. Day 2 I had the leak test IIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW I know know what it is like to drink stomache BILE. It actually made the Baruim taste good. But I only had to drink a few sips. Over all it was not the worst exprience ever. The nurses were wonderful. Day 2 I started to think I must have been crazy to do this and how will I ever manage at home. Day 3 and things are better. I had my 1st ensure around noon. Boy was that good!!! Dr.Bell is such a sweetie!! I know things will get better right now I feel like crap. YEAY for sugar free JELLO.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo glad you are home...melissa and i got worried (as did everyone else) when no one heard from your hubby...so melissa said if i knew ur name to call yale..which i did LOL.....okay so im not looking forward to the leak test.but..you are on the losinggggggggggggg sideeeeeeeeeee wahooooooooooooooooooooo
Keep walking walking walking and you will be feeling better in no time
Welcom home

90 Calorie Danon Yogurt got me through the first couple of weeks. mmmm so yummy, I still eat it for a snack.
I am so happy everything went well and that you are back with us! Now no more starting posts with "I know I am pre-op BUT ..."
Oh and yes, inhale that sugar free jello. It's good stuff!