okay, give it to me straight post ops!!
I guess the biggest fear I have about the actual surgery is being put under. I can see myself getting seriously wigged out right before they put the mask on. Is it as bad as I am imagining it and remembering it (I was put under once and cried like a baby right before) or can the anaestesthiologist (sp?) give you a little relaxer before hand? What are the experiences out there?
It might not hurt to have a little happy pill for the night before ... can't hurt, might help. Especially if you had an emotional reaction the first time, it might take the edge off.
For me, it really wasn't bad at all, because first they gave me a little medication intravenously and I don't even remember the mask going on, so I'd have to say my experience has been fine.
Hang in there Phyllis -- it's all going to be fine. You came out of the anesthesia the last time, you'll come out fine this time too.
All this stuff is very nerve-wracking, but it's for a good cause -- you and your health!!
Have a great day!
Kathy F.
Hi Phyllis:
Yes do give you something in your IV just before wheeling you to the ER. It nearly knocked me out, so the mask coming to my face didn't phase me.
I had an emotional time once. At Yale NH Hospital, in 1996, I had my gallbladder out when I was 20 weeks pregnant. I was a WRECK after signing a waiver that they could not monitor my pregnancy during this surgery. They couldn't get the IV right, and in the OR, I remember them changing the IV to the other arm, then one guy was talking to me, telling me to imagine a happy place. I was wondering why they couldn't just knock me the hell out! It was awful!
For this surgery, everything happened real quick. You will be fine! I promise!
Hi Phyllis,
Just had my surgery on 7/21/04 and they kept asking me if I was nervous or anxious, because they had something to give if indeed I needed it. They put the mask on and said it was oxygen, and I don't remember one thing until I woke up. Prior to that, I was talking with Dr. Bell, the nurses, and the anethesiologist and his assistant. Only problem I had was that I didn't wanna wake up. So they put me in the stepdown unit, and some loudmouthed patient cured that!
Honestly...I didn't get a darn thing until I was lying on the ER table (after I got myself up there) But, then again, I didn't ASK for anything. I suppose when the anestisiologist came to speak to me, I could have asked him for something then. But, I just didn't. (too nervous?)
I thought I'd get the mask and freak, but I got something in my IV BEFORE the mask that made me not give a flying fig.
Anyway- if you're REALLY that nervous, ask the surgeon to prescribe you something. If he won't, then at least ask the anestesiologist to give you something when you're there.
It WILL be fine!!!
Lisa C
Wow. I got nada. No support, no hand to hold, nothing.. which was saddening me in itself. (Being a nursing student, I pride myself in the fact that I actually care about people.)
I was in the waiting pen, sitting on the bed, trying hard not to cry, but I was sobbing. (Mostly b/c I was going to lose my best friend it seemed.. not b/c I was having surgery ) There were about 20 people in the room, just standing around, literally and not one cared. I guess I may have expected too much.
Anyhow.. when they wheeled me into the operating room they were starting my arterial line, and I was tensing, b/c it hurts, it dawned on them that oh, maybe I need something to calm me down and that's the last thing I remembered.
Ok, long story short.. not to scare anyone from doing this. Maybe it's just b/c I am an emotional person and I expect way too much from other human beings. But, the anesthesia is nothing to worry about. Once they put you on the table, it's pretty much seconds before you're asleep.
Definitely ask for some help if you're concerned about it now.
Take care,