Sorry I haven't been around much
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't been around much since vacation. I've had more complications that tire me out to admit to, and I am just focusing on getting through the day at work and then resting at home. I had to have my incision re-opened (the one from the TT) and the surgeon found I had a subcutaneous stitch wrapped around my mesh. So again, I am recovering from a surgery. All this has gotten me pretty down in the dumps and I am just trying to juggle too many things at once. I also run our support group meetings and I angel to probably too many people, I just got a promotion at work so I have double the amount of work for no increase in pay. (state worker of course) So I am over my head. However, thanks to Linda calling me last night I feel a lot better and know my CT Family will understand. Linda, you are such a jewel of a person and the connection I feel with you is just so comfortable and real. I am honored to call you my friend.
So, please understand my little hiatus, I am sure I'll be back bugging you all in no time. I REALLY need to get a new picture on here too.
love to all,
Sorry things have been so rough after your TT. It's okay if you "go silent" for a little while to heal and get back on your feet (literally and figuratively). Since your such in intregal part of the CT Messageboard life just let one person know how you are (I'll even volunteer) so you don't have to worry about it. That person can update when someone asks, "Where's Cheryl?"
Hugs and see you at the August meeting or the deli section.
330/271/175 3.3.03
Sounds like you need another vacation!!! Try to take things easy. Congrats on your promotion!!! My DH is a state employee also so i really know how that goes. I am so glad Linda was there for you. Remember we are all here too. Take all the time you need for you and pop in every once in a while so we know you are ok. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Cheryl,
I'm so sorry you are having a tough time. I'm pretty sure I know just how you are feeling. Enough already right. Take some deep breaths, a nice bubble bath, a few little cat naps, you get the picture and most important take good care of you. This too will pass and things will get better.
Remember we are all here whenever you need us.
Hang in there kiddo, better days are just around the corner.
Hugs, Mary Lou
Cheryl --
I've missed your sunny face shining out from these pages!
I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time. I know how difficult complications can be from experience. It really drags you down. You're doing the best you can do by doing just what you need to do & resting as much as possible.
Hang in there. I hope things get better soon.
Love ya,
I know what its like to "bite off more than you can chew." You need to take care of you first thought. I will be thinking of you and hope that one day I will meet you at a UCONN meeting. Can you tell me if there has been any other newsletters other than the one I saw about three months ago, I though there were fabulous and you did a great job. Very informative.
Take Care,
Hi Cheryl,
No need to apologize for being MIA to us here. We know you'll be back when your ready and until then we'll all be waiting with baited breath to see your faboo new pic.
Show off those tight abs!
Congrats on your promotion (I never knew those things really happened!) and take care of yourself. You come first.
Missing you,