Just a gripe!
Let me start off by saying that I know that this is probably uneccesary worrying, however, I just got off the phone with the surgical coordinator at Dr. Giles' office and I informed her I thought I was finished with all my requirements for surgery. She gave ma a date for a final consult with Dr. Giles where, he will go over my file and determine if I am a candidate. I was a little confused and disappointed. I thought the first consult was for determining if I was a candidate, and I even asked him if he thought I was, and he said yes. What could possibly be on my records now that would determine I am not (Just a little background, at my first meeting with him, I had already had my nutrition and psych meeting, as I started at a different hosp.) The only requirement I had with him was a pulmonary consult and testing, sleep study and blood work. Is that final consult just routine? Any thoughts??
Hi Phyllis,
I didn't have Dr. Giles, but I just wanted to add (working in a Drs. office and all) that whoever you talked to probably doesn't know the exact step you're at right now and that's just a quick answer "they'll review". So, make sure you keep on top of it. I'm sure if he said yes and made you go through the requirements, then you're a candidate. I had a final consult with my surgeon, kind of the same idea as yours. He didn't even know I was having surgery the NEXT day!
I'm sure all will go well. Don't worry too much. Concentrate on the good stuff and you'll be fine.
Keep us updated. Take care,
I understand your frustration. It's probably a matter of the surgeon not making clear what the exact path to surgery is.
However, I should think that the Dr. would need to review al your tests before he could determine if you actually are a candidate for surgery right now, or if there are other things that need to be addressed before you can be considered for a surgery date.
That seems like the only responsible thing to me. Clearly, he felt that preliminarily, you would be a good candidate, but needs to review everything ank make sure.
Would you want him to schedule you for surgery and then get back to you saying that he reviewed your test results and has to cancel your surgery? I know you wouldn't...it would be devastating.
Sounds to me like he's just doing due dillegence.
I know it's hard to wait, but it really is for the best. It's also safer to make sure you're all clear on the tests.
Hang in there, OK?
You'll be scheduled before you know it.