Need help with complaint
*Already posted in the August forum*
I found out that they pushed back my OR date yesterday and needless to say, I was PISSED! My original OR date was Aug. 9. Then they called me up and asked if I was still having it on the 16th. I was like "WTF!?"
I wouldn't have been so mad if my boyfriend wasn't flying in for this. He has to take time off of work (might I add it can be hard to get time off of his job, he's in the Air Force) buy new tickets and compleatly change all him/my plans around. Also, my mother has to now change her leave days from HER job. OH MY GOD! I was so mad!!!
I started to cry out of pure frustration. I have been waiting 2 years for this. 2 LONG years not only fighting it with the insurence company but also with the Dr's. This all started in August 2002.
Luckly I was able to change my bf's flight and get him here for the surgery.
I know it's just a week later but man... it's just NOT fair.
What gets me even more pissed is the fact that it was one of people in the offices fault. They didn't put me in the computer.
Does anyone know how I can report this. I know EXACTLY who the person is.
They changed my OR date 4 times. first it was on the 12th, then the 16th, then the 9th and now the 16th. Jesus christ! I am so dissapointed from this place. You can bet I'm going to file some type of complaint on these people.
It was someone elses irrisponsibility that all this happened. -sigh-
For anyone who had the surgery in St. Francis with Dr. Barba (in Hartford CT) do you know the last name of Carolin? I NEED to find out because I am going to personaly write a complaint to Dr. Barba about this.
I hate this woman so much for all this. It's b/c of her stupidity that I'm going through all this unnessicary stress.
Thank you all for letting me vent.
Hi Alizia!
I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. I do not have Dr. Barba as a doctor, but I just wanted to shoot you a note to let you know how badly I feel about your situation.
But, your surgery is right around the corner. If I were you, I'd wait until the surgery is behind you and see how you feel in a few months, then write the letter of complaint. I'm sure you are very stressed right now, might be better to just wait for a bit to send a letter. Just my opinion!
Good luck with your surgery!!!!
Aliza, I'm so sorry for your trouble. I think you really need to tell Dr. Barba this himself. He needs to know what's going on in his outer office. Changing your surgery date FOUR times is just cruel.
Just put in a call to him and don't tell the staff why..tell them something vague, like last minute medical questions that you need to discuss...
I hate to say it...but...his office is relatively known for having poor staff or at least a staff without a great attitude.
Hang in there. Your day will come when it was meant to.
Lisa C
That stinks!!! I think maybe the staff becomes desensitized to the huge undertaking this is for us patients. I agree with Lisa that a call to Dr. Barba without telling the staff what it's about is a really good way to go.
Hang in there, it will happen, and you'll be free from the administrative nonsense soon.
Take care,
Kathy F.