OT- A little humor for the day...
A woman sneezed
A man and a woman were sitting beside each other in the first class section
>of a plane.The woman sneezed, took out a tissue, gently wiped her nose and
>then shuddered quite violently for 10 or 15
>seconds. The man went back to his reading.
>A few minutes later, the woman sneezed again, took a tissue, gently wiped
>her nose and shuddered quite violently as before. The man was becoming more
>and more curious about the shuddering.
>A few more minutes passed and the woman sneezed one more time. Again she
>took a tissue, gently wiped her nose and shuddered violently. The man
>couldn't restrain his curiosity.
>He turned to the woman and said, "You've sneezed three times, wiped your
>nose with a ti ssue, then shuddered violently! Are you all right?"
>"I'm sorry if I disturbed you," the woman replied, "I have a rare
>condition; when I sneeze, I have an ******"
>The man was a little embarrassed but even more curious and said, "I've
>never heard of that before. What are you taking for it?"
>The woman looked at him and said, "Black Pepper."