Friday Roll Call!!

on 7/15/04 10:20 pm - Milford, CT
Hello Everyone, Well here it is another week has passed. Where does the time go?? I know for some of you the time seems to be dragging as you wait and wait and wait but for others of us the time just seems to fly by. The boards have been hopping and I am sorry that I haven't been on as much as I would like but life is in the way! To give you a brief update, my niece's wedding is tomorrow (Saturday), rehersal dinner tonight. I am wearing the pink dress for those of you that know my dress choices.... Tonight I am wearing a black and white wrap around dress. My camera died......yes folks that is one of the reasons I didn't get those pictures out to you. I broke down and bought a new camera yesterday so I will have some new ones to post of me all duded up! . I was hoping to make the century mark by the wedding but I am falling 4 pounds short of that goal. Oh well I will make it to the -100 pounds soon I am sure. I think that our closing on the new condo is in one week (23rd), and we will move over the weekend with the closing on this house being on the 27th. I am trying a new thing and having my cable, internet service and phone all through the cable company. Should be interesting. I will be out of computer service for a few days next weekend and will probably be jonsing! . I may have to go someplace to borrow one!! Work has been a total bear lately. So many emergencies and so much work to do. Seems everything happens at once. My weight has been up and down between a couple of pounds for a couple of weeks. I know this is normal. I need to get back to basics for awhile. Just my schedule has been so crazy it is hard to get any routines in place. My sugar has also been bouncing these past few days. Not sure what is up with that. The only thing different I have been doing is eating a bit more fruit than I had. Guess that fruit really isn't working for me. I will have to cut back on it and see what happens. Night time snacking was and is my total downfall. I am soooo good all day long and then after dinner I feel like an endless pit. I have some plans once in the new place to only eat in the kitchen. Not bring any food to my room. Since the kitchen is downstairs hopefully that will be a deterrent and help me to build some better habits. I will NOT go back . I want to wish everyone good luck in your journies, have a great weekend and lets hear from all you lurkers out there!!!!!!! Linda
on 7/15/04 11:20 pm - East Haven, CT
Hey Hey Linda! The wedding is here Can't wait to see the pictures. This weekend is going to be spent getting my house in order because next Wed. is my BIG day My friend is all set to come in on Thurs. from California, and I and going to pack this weekend. Tonight I am have a b'day party for my puppy who turned 2 today! Yes, the terrible twos and she's a beagle on top of it all!!! Other than is great! JA
on 7/15/04 11:33 pm - Danbury, CT
Good Morning, Linda and Everyone, This weekend started out as one of those I have nothing to do weekends, which I was looking forward to. Now, I have my daughter's self-defense awards ceremony, which got postponed from last Saturday. She has a birthday party on Sunday, and I need to go to New York because my grandfather (who is 91) is not feeling very well, and my dad drove up from South Carolina to spend the week with him. So, we are doing that on Saturday afternoon. That leaves Sunday after the party to do house work, etc. BUT, being the only house in my husband's huge family that has a pool, Sunday's have become party central at my house. At least they bring the food sometimes. I'm not complaining, I actually like it, it's fun to watch all the kids - ages 1 to 10... Food wise, I have FINALLY been progressed to soft foods and regular foods!! I know for sure I cannot eat pork. I have tried ribs, pork chops, pork roast, even pork in a Columbian restaurant in NYC, all came back up after getting stuck yuck. Eggs are tricky too. I can't eat scrambled or Egg Beaters, but I can eat egg salad or soft-boiled eggs..weird.. I am doing okay with softer foods, or moist foods. I even tried popcorn shrimp, which was ok. I hated fish pre-op, but have decided since I was "re-born", to try new things, or give things a second chance. Well I have rambled on enough. I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Anne
Kathy K.
on 7/15/04 11:40 pm - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hello Linda and Everybody, I am going to see dietary Evaluation this morning since I have been waited for since our former dietarican left for other job. Then I have one more test to go is August 5th with my PCP for exam and clearance and hope I will get surgery date. Tonight I will stay home with my family and will take out foods because I do not want to cook on fridays. I have so much to do around my house this weekend before We will go to my cousin 's wedding next Saturday. Nothing excited this weekend coming Except Linda your weekend will be busy and exciting!! Have fun and must feel good to wear dress. Thank god you bought a new camera and take alot of pictures then shoff off to all of us at CT dinner in Sept. I have heard from other people have trouble with night time snacking and I do understand about habit issues. We all do have same problem with that Have a nice weekend everybody!!! Kathy K
on 7/16/04 12:38 am - Fairfield, CT
Happy Friday! Linda, you're busy busy busy as always!! It'll be great fun for you to go to this wedding looking fabulous in your new dress! Nothing terribly exciting scheduled for this weekend -- which is good since I need to pack! I'm moving in 2 weeks and I haven't done a thing! John bought a bunch of bins so we can sort clothes & store the winter things in the attic ... I mentioned that I DON'T HAVE any winter clothes!! That's going to be a whole new wardrobe blowout once the weather turns cooler. So tonight we're going to the gym to work out then out to dinner somewhere. New Canaan is having its annual sidewalk sales & John edits the New Canaan newspaper, so we'll be out socializing during the day tomorrow, but he has a bachelor party (!) tomorrow night & a seminar on Sunday, so those will be my packing times. The job is going well so far. I'm very happy that I made the move. I feel needed and appreciated here. The work is much more to my liking. I was retaining water like a camel (PMS) last week, but I've lost 5-6 lbs. in the last week --yay!!! That puts me at -85 lbs -- in the 160s. I haven't been in the 160s since the late 1980s!! I also went into NYC to the "medical photographer" the plastic surgeon referred me to for my pictures. It's a bit intimidating to strip bare & stand in front of a screen while the bright lights are shining on all your uglier parts & someone's taking pictures of it!! I was at least grateful that it was a woman photographer. Hope everyone has a great weekend. XO Kathy F.
on 7/16/04 1:00 am - Oakville, CT
RNY on 05/18/04 with
Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is well. I haven't been on the boards in a while so I figured I had a little time to check it out today. I have a date with my best friend tonight. Girls night out!! We haven't gone out in so long. I think it's been 2 or 3 years! When I was at her house the other day I said, "That's it you and I are going out! No kids, no hubbies!" So we are going to a theater in Winsted that has dinner and a movie. I am so excited. Hope you all have a great weekend! Christine
Deanna S.
on 7/16/04 1:39 am - Branford, CT
Linda and Everyone, Hope everyones week ended well and everyones weekend will be even better.. I finished up all my appointments last week. Just got off the phone with Dr. Bell's office and they have received my nutritional eval (man she was quick), but they are still waiting on my psyche...i just called them again, seeing it has been three weeks..then..i will wait until they call me with my meeting with Dr. Bell and his 17 other guests... On the home front, child is driving me nuts i am wondering will i make it past the teen years?? She is 15 and i'm not sure how i will get through the next three years, although i know i will LOL...Hubby is still unhappy at his job, so he is taking monday and tuesday off from work , and is scheduling interviews for those days...and for me, working two jobs now, we are trying to buy a house ..we were afraid because our credit was a little slow, but the mortgage guy said no problem he had two banks that would take us...this was a week ago. when we called him about the letter so we could get going, he said we didnt have enough open trade lines??? ya know...we have a credit card we pay off and try to never use, and we have paid off our car loans on we are being penalized for not having a load of debt..makes no sense to me...but anyway..the realtor gave me a name of someone else to call, and he is working on it to see if there is something he can do, because he says he has tons of, please say a prayer for us that we might be able to do this because i am so sick of living in an apartment..(chryssie..we are looking close to you....jefferson woods is where we looked last weekend)... On the other hand, I am soo excited for Chryssie and will both be in my prayers and i hope i can make it to come see you guys at the hospital or even at will be on the losing side soon !!! I have rambled enough..everyone have a great weekend!!! Deanna
on 7/16/04 2:19 am - East Haven, CT
Deanna, Good luck with your house hunting. You are on your way with Dr. Bell...bug those folks about the psych eval! Chryssie and I are almost there Have a great weekend! JA
on 7/16/04 9:10 am - Branford, CT
Deanna: I love Jeff. Woods. We did a FHA loan since it was our 1st home. We did not need much down and got a good rate. Keep on top of the psych eval. that took the longest for me too. I called them a few times to check on it. Thanks for the prayers & well wishes!!! Hope to see you soon. Chryssie
Pam T.
on 7/16/04 9:46 am - Groton, CT
I have nothing going on. Deanna, I had to call the psych people to get them to send the eval to Dr. Bell's office. They finally called and said it was sent and I confirmed it with Dr. Bell's office. My file is finally sitting on the nurse's desk to be looked over. I am just waiting to hear. I also have a 15 year old, you will survive, she is actually better than the 17 year old. I hope there is an end in sight! Either way, they are both better than the dh, he is driving me absolutely nuts!!!!
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