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Elaine W.
on 7/14/04 11:56 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 02/09/04 with
Hello Friends. Its been a while since I posted last. The summer has been slipping by very quickly-my MOm has kept me busy painting her new house which is right in my back yard-BUT I need a little help from you all. It seems I'm in a rut with my weight loss. I haven't lost a pound in about 6-8 weeks. I don't know if its stress related or what. I am soo good about eating the right things all day (EX ; Yogurt with blueberrys for breakfast; tuna on lettuce for lunch and a small portion of meat with only vegs for dinner) but I seem to have fallen in the old routine of night snacks. I need some advise on what to do. Up until now my weight loss has been ok- over 60 pounds sionce Feb. but I need some advise on what to do. I think I need to stay in contact with my peers more also. HELP.
Kathy K.
on 7/15/04 12:45 am - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hi Elaine, It is nice to see you back on CT message board I read your message and is wondering if you do excerise per weekly. Maybe that will help you to lose some weights and maybe you will make an appointment to see your dietican to help you to review your food logs. Hope to see you soon! Kathy K
Elaine W.
on 7/15/04 12:59 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 02/09/04 with
Kathy, I've been reading your progress reports. It seems like you are being so patient with this process that we all do but believe me its worth it. I have lost a lot of weight and I finally went shopping to buy a few new things and I wear an 18. Its a huge difference fron the 26-28's I wore when I statted this thing. I just want to be sure that I am doing the correct thing still for my diet-and from all the responses I received I gues I am. Thanks for your input- I wish you the best.
on 7/15/04 12:51 am - Fairfield, CT
Elaine -- Sounds like you're keeping busy! I have the same issue. I eat well during the day, but in the evening I still have a great urge to snack. I TRY to keep it to no sugar added popsicles, but sometimes I stray from that ... and I pay. I'd be interested in hearing what some of the other folks do in order to keep the nighttime munchies away. As far as weight loss goes, I seem to have fallen into a pattern where I barely lose a pound for a 2-3 weeks, and then I'll lose about 5 in one week. As time passes, our bodies adjust & the weight loss slows down. For me, I know that with working out, I haven't lost much weight but everything (except my inner thighs -- yuck!!) has toned up a lot. That at least gives me some comfort. Ladies ... what do you do to stop the nighttime munchies????? Kathy F.
on 7/15/04 1:06 am - Danbury, CT
I am still pretty new post-op, but I definitely feel the need to snack at night. I have been having a fat-free fudgcicle most night that I decide to snack. Yesterday at the grocery store, I stumbled upon Ben&Jerry's No Sugar Added New York Super Fudge Chunk. I had some of that last night, (about 4 tablespoons). It was really, really good, but I don't want to make a habit of it, because I had a "problem" with ice cream pre-op - it was my biggest downfall. The fudgcicles don't seem to mess with my head that way. Anne
Elaine W.
on 7/15/04 1:08 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 02/09/04 with
Kathy, What is your total weight loss so far. I mean I am very happy with my loss so far- I guess I just want more and I want it right now!! I had only a pile of grapes tonight so I am aware of my eating issue. I just know I dont ever want to go back to what I was. Thanks for your reply.
on 7/15/04 1:15 am - New Britain, CT
RNY on 10/06/03 with
Hi Elaine, It's nice to see you! 60 lbs since Feb is excellent! Bully for you! Night time is tough for me too...I try to keep busy by either cross-stitching, reading or whatever I can do to keep my hands and mind busy. If I watch tv I'll have the urge to snack. Now and then I'll have a rice cake and try to nibble on it, or I'll have some fruit. The other night I was watching the All-Star game and I gnoshed on a bowl of Total Protein cereal...high protein, low carbs. Man, I should buy stcok in this stuff, I eat enough of it! Stay in touch! -Deb
Elaine W.
on 7/15/04 1:13 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 02/09/04 with
Deb You look incredible!! Holy crap!! Is Total Protein cereal like the Total cereal?? I guess I never thought of cereal as a snack. I havent had cereal at all except low fat granola in my yogurt. Do you use milk with it or eat it dry?? Stupid questions huh. Great to talk to you all again.
Kathy B.
on 7/15/04 3:34 am - East Windsor, CT
We've been wondering where you have been hiding? We missed you. I've been on an awful plateau as well - 2 mos. and I've only lost 2 lbs. Like you, I snack at night - add that to the fact that I can eat alot, and I'm sure that's why I'm struggeling. I have started to skip breakfast - and instead have an EAS Advantage Protein Drink. If I don't eat when I get up, I find that I'm not even hungry till about 9:30, then I have the protein drink and I'm good till noon. If I do eat breakfast, I get really hungry around 10:00 - and need a snack to hold me over. I don't know why , but it's something I've figured out. I'll let you know if this works..... Let's get together soon - ok? My last day of work is Tuesday, then I'll be an at home mom - so if we do lunch, I'll need to bring the boys. God Bless, Kathy Bilodeau
Elaine W.
on 7/15/04 1:22 pm - Windsor, CT
RNY on 02/09/04 with
Kathy honey, Thanks for the info-I just dont want to go backwards-if you know what I mean. How much weight have you lost so far. I am currently in a size 18-and believe me its a far cry from where I was when you first met me- but I am worried that I am not doing the right thing. I have a dr appt soon so I guess if he feels my loss isnt enough he will let me know. Congrads on being a stay at home MOM. I an not going back to school in Sept-I am going to take care of my grandaughters full time so my daughter can work full time. She works for Jerrerson x ray and just got a promotion in HR-so she wants to work full time days instead of nights-which is what she does now. I am very excited about being with the girls all day. I would love to see you soon. Maybe we can meet at a park in South Windsor and have a picnic with the kids. Thanks for taking the time to say Hi.
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