I am back!
Good Morning Everybody,
Sorry I did not update about my sleep study yesterday. I was so tired and went to sleep for long morning nap after I came home from sleep study.
No wonder why I never sleep so good for few years because of my sleep anpea.
Read my update from my profile about sleep study. Yes I do have sleep anpea. Question for Post Op people.... Do sleep anpea will affect when I will go for surgery to put me sleep? I am concerning about this.
The hard part is I will try to find my time to write a letter to my kids, my mom and my husband in case if I die from this surgery. It will be so emotion feelings to write that letter for each of them
Kathy K
Yes sleep apnea does affect your going under anthestia and that is why alot of doctors want you tested before hand. Dr. Bell goes on the assumption that all of his patients have it whether or not they do and he takes the necessary precautions for everyone. Are you getting a cpap machine? You may or may not have to continue using it after surgery. I know a lot of people who were able to stop using theirs but then there are many who are still using but may have had to have the pressure adjusted. Nice to know there is a reason for our poor sleep isn't it? Don't stress about writing those letters, while they will be difficult, I know in my heart that you won't need them!! Have a great day.
Hi Kathy:
I used to have Sleep Apnea and in 2000, I had the surgery fo fix that. It's called UPPP (sometimes UP3) and stands for "Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty". It's a long one, I know. I no longer have Sleep Apnea, but I so have restricted airway syndrome which still causes me to snore.
My husband claims that since I've lost 33 pounds after the WLS, he hasn't heard me snore. So I can imagine after the surgery, you can wean yourself off of the CPAP.
I wrote a letter to all my loved ones in case I didn't survive the surgery as well. It took me 3 separate days to complete it because it was such an emotional thing. I ended up making it funny and happy and I am really glad no one needed to read it.
Great to hear from you. I also have sleep apnea, I also had my seminar visit with Dr. Aranow on the 14th. One of the questions I had was about my sleep apnea, his feeling was that as long as he new in advance about it precautions would be taken and did not feel that it was a major problem, he told me to be concerned but NOT terrified. By the way I like him also he is very knowledgable we picked a good doctor. I have an appointment for Sep 14th, hope that it gets pushed up to an earlier date waiting is so hard.
Also good news from the home front, July 13th my daughter gave birth to my grandson, Malik Aston Harris, 10lbs 5oz, 21inches long.
Stay Calm Don't Worry
You'll End Up With Gray Hair Like Me