There are two Angelettes here............
Hello Everyone,
Well well well.......there are two of us fast approaching their surgeries .......

as if you didn't know!! JA and Chryssie will soon join the society of losers. 

JUMP:. JA's surgery is on the 21st of this month.....yes folks in 7 days!!!!!! and our very own Chryssie will be having hers on the 29th!! I know they are both about ready to jump out of their skins.....

. So I was thinking that maybe we can all get together
and give them both a rousing 

round of support. Stop by their surgery pages and wish them well or post your message here!
I will be updating you on JA as soon as I know anything on the 21st. Cheryl is Chryssie's angel and I am assisting her while she is out of state. We both love our angelettes and totally appreciate all the support they give everyone on these boards. Ladies I know you both will do just fine and you have the best doctor (IMHO). We will all pledge to give you and ourselves a good kick in the pants when needed and be a shoulder to lean on when ever needed. God Bless.........

Hi Linda,
Thanks so much. You have no idea how great it is for me to have you as my
I am very honored. These past few months have been such a learning experience, and I am learning more and more every day..and I know there is so much more to learn as well. This is only the beginning of a brand new life that I have dreamed of for yrs. I cannot believe it is only 8 days away!
Next Wed. will be here before I know it, and Chryssie, you're right after me on Monday!!
Chryssie & I are on the same track, so we can be losing buddies!
Thanks again Lin, you're the best!

Thanks!!! I can not believe how fast this last leg of the journey has proceeded. I am currently training my back up at work. I have my pre-op with Dr.B and the hospital on 7/20 and then surgery on the 26th. This is a great month for me. My 12 year wedding anniv. is the 18th. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all your support. It really means alot to me.
Hi JA and Chryssie,
Good luck with your surgery coming up. After both of your surgery are over, I am looking forward to learn something from both of you after your surgery because It will be my turn after both of you. Hope to see both of you on Sept 11 at CT Dinner!
I will keep both of you in my prayers and hope thigns will be speedy recover
Kathy K