Where is Linda W.?
Hi Kathy,
I am here and I got both your emails. I didn't get home until late from work last night. I was embroiled in an emergency all day and had a wicked headache by the time I got home 8pm and needed to eat and unwind. I will call Yale today and give them the info. The meeting is from 6:00-7:30pm although ususally a few of us stay later to chat. I can give them any info that they need or will give them Dr. Bell's contact person and she will get it done.
Hope your sleep study went well. They are not the most pleasant of experiences but not painful in anyway. I have had 3 so far and have a feeling there is another one in my near future. I go to the clinic next week to have my mask checked and then the doctor sometime in August. I think I will have to continue using my cpap even after losing weight. At least I am sleeping better though.
Let me know how you do and I will email you after I speak to the women at Yale. Have a great day!!